Chapter Thirty-Nine: Serena's POV

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Serena's POV-
This is amazing, Georgie. George was leading me around the gardens of Friar Park. He was pulling me by the hand to all his favorite spots, well some of his favorites spots. I knew the garden was much too big to show me all his favorite spots, and I was sure he didn't want to show me some of the spots. They were too special to show some girl he might have a bit of a crush on. Those places had been saved for Olivia.
Why don't you say it out loud, Rena? George was laughing as he pulled me on. He stopped at The entrance to the maze. I smiled and looked over at him.
"Find me where ye echo lays, Lose ye bodies in the maze, See the lord and all the mouths he feeds, Let it roll among the weeds..." I said walking up to the maze. George frowned.
"What's that?" He asked. I was shocked.
"It's your lyrics." I said sadly, "You don't remember?" George saw my sad expression and shrugged.
"I actually don't remember a lot of my music." He said. I was greatly disappointed to hear this. George noticed and he kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry, Rena." I sighed and shrugged.
"Maybe if you heard it." I said digging my phone out of my pocket. George shrugged as I searched the song on my iPod. I hit play and the intro played. George and I started to walk through the maze together. About half way through the song George started singing along.
"Fools illusions everywhere, Joan and Molly sweep the stairs, Eyes that shining full of inner light, Let it roll into the night" He sang at the top of his lungs. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him and he spun me around. We reached the end of the maze and I sighed as the song ended. "What's that called?" George asked, holding me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. He needed a bit of a shave. I put my hand against his scruffy face and scrunched up my nose.
"It's called The Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let it Roll)." I said smiling, "You need a shave" George moved foward and pecked my lips before he let go of me and started to walk toward the large house. I gasped and ran after him, ending up inside the giant place. I was instantly lost. I had no idea what direction George went in and I had no idea where to find anyone else. I took a deep breath and remembered I could talk to George.
Where are you? I'm lost. I waited for him to respond, but he didn't. I finally just chose a direction and walked, hoping I made it to some sort of person soon. George, really! Where are you!? I was becoming massively frustrated.
You said I needed a shave! Suddenly an image of George shaving flashed across my mind and I giggled.
Well where can I go? I asked looking around. I don't want to wander around here alone. George didn't respond again and I sighed. He showed up about ten minutes later and he grabbed my hands. He put them against his face and I laughed at him.
"Is that better?" He asked gently. I nodded and stood up on my toes. He was nose to nose with me and he didn't seem to know what to do with me now. I didn't know what to do either. I didn't want him to kiss me, but a part of me wanted him to do something, whether he kissed me or not. He fianally wrapped his arms around me and he hugged me. I buried my nose in his shoulder and sighed. I closed my eyes and started thinking about what we'd both seen. It wasn't weird until I really started to think about it.
How did I know you before? I pulled away from George and frowned.
"Why are you doing that?" He asked with a sigh. He didn't seem to want to talk about this.
"Fine," I said allowed, "How did we know each other?" George thought about it for a few minutes before he took my hand. He pulled me down the hall to a staircase.
"Dhani!" George yelled loudly. Dhani came running down the stairs like a little kid. I giggled and George rolled his eyes. Dhani looked at him and George raised his eyebrows.
"Sorry, kind of had a bit of a flash back." Dhani said smiling. George smiled at his son and I felt like crying. No one other than our small group would see them like this ever again. Before either of them could speak Dhani had his arms wrapped around George and George was laughing. He hugged his son back and I sighed. George let him go and smiled widely before he cleared his throat.
"Right, so you work for this Alive Again whatever they called it?" George asked hopefully. Dhani nodded and looked at me. He smiled and winked at me, which I did not expect at all. George cleared his throat again, loudly. Dhani looked back at his father and returned his attention to the conversation.
"Yes, I do." He said nodding.
"Alright, then we need to have a conversation as soon as possible." I said quickly. George nodded in agreement and Dhani looked between us.
"Alright," He said, "We'll talk at dinner." I shook my head quickly.
"No." George said. Dhani looked at him and they were making the exact same face.
"Why not?" Dhani asked with a sigh. He looked at bit deflated. George looked at me and I knew he wouldn't say if I was there. He was keeping his thoughts very well hidden as well.
I made eye contact with George and grabbed my hand.
I don't trust Stryker anymore.
My eyes got wide and I jerked away from him. How could he say that? George looked at Dhani urgently, "We need a meeting with just the important people involved."
"Alright so, You two, John, That other girl, Stryker-"
"No!" George said quickly. Dhani's eyes got wide at his loud yell and he sighed. George picked up a pen that was laying on a table and he grabbed Dhani's hand. He wrote the best he could upside down, but I didn't know what exactly he wrote.
Dhani nodded in understanding and sighed, "We'll get together upstairs after dinner." He said seriously, "In the mean time, keep Daniel in the dark."
"But why?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. "Stryker has helped us!" I was near tears.
"Please, Rena, just trust me." George said grabbing my wrists. I jerked away from him and shook my head.
"I do trust you." I choked, "More than I trust myself." George looked worried and he pulled me back closer to him. I didn't resist him.
"Please, Rena." He said gently. I saw him glance at Dhani, "Just keep away from Stryker until we can talk, OK?" I shook my head and George groaned.
"You can't keep me away from him, George." I said angrily.
"I don't care!" George hollered, making me jump. Dhani winced and George groaned, "I understand you like him! I don't care about that! I'm trying to keep you safe! I lost you twice already! Please just..."
I looked away from him and I knew Dhani was more confused than anything, "You can't keep me from talking to him." I said seriously, "But I won't tell him about the meeting tonight." I whispered the last part. George let out a breath of relief and I turned and walked away. I didn't know where I was going exactly, but I didn't care. I wanted to talk to Lilly.
I found her outside around the front of the house. She was talking to Neal. I didn't want to interrupt that, but I really needed to talk to her.
"Lil?" I asked, feeling a bit awkward and childish. She spun around and looked at me.
"Oh hey Rena." She said smiling, "What's up?"
"Can we talk?" I asked. I felt like we hadn't talked in forever. Lilly nodded and looked back at Neal. She excused herself and walked over to me. "I have to tell you something."
Lilly nodded and we walked away from Neal, "What is it?" She had an excited gleam in her eyes and I scrunched my nose.
"OK, so you remember earlier before we left, when I screamed and George-" I stopped and Lilly nodded. I took a deep breath and explained everything that happened and how George didn't want Stryker helping anymore. I just didn't know what to do.
"John and I don't trust him either." Lilly said quietly. I spun around and clenched my hands.
"Why not?" I asked trying to stay calm.
"He was leading us to the wrong car, Serena." She said, sounding a bit guilty, "And then he looked angry the entire way here. I just have this awfull feeling about him." I groaned and kicked a rock.
"How could you say that?" I asked. I really liked Stryker, and no one seems to trust him.
"Serena please calm down?" Lilly pleaded. I sighed and looked at the ground. "Hang on a second, did you say you've met George before?" I nodded and sat down on a bench nearby. Lilly sat next to me.
"Yeah, like, we met in the Cavern Club I guess and we were dating, but something happened to me." I shrugged. Lilly bit her lip and clasped her hands together.
"Well, I kinda...have the same...thing." She said unsure of herself, "Like John and I were I dunno...Dating and then he got into this fight somewhere and he tried to save me, but I was...." Lilly gulped and took a deep breath. I knew the very idea of what she said scared her.
"So we both knew George and John at some point in their lives." I said taking a deep breath, "But how come none of us remember it? And why are we all back here?" Lilly shrugged at both questions and got up.
"Listen I don't want to ditch you or anything, but Neal was telling me something important." Lilly said. I rolled my eyes and waved her away.
"Fine fine," I sighed, "Go on." I made a stupid face and Lilly laughed before she got up and ran back over to Neal. I giggled and walked back inside. I saw George sitting with Dhani playing a guitar, remembering his songs and how to play chords correctly. I didn't want to interrupt that, so I went on walking around. Paul was talking to Beatrice about everything that happened, and I didn't need to get involved with that. I found a room that was totally empty. I sat on the couch and closed my eyes. I could hear George's thinking on what chord to play and he seemed to be tapping into the library of songs. I could hear him playing and singing Beautiful Girl, and I smiled. I loved that song. It was mine and Lilly's favorite.
You OK?
He was still singing while he talked to me. I wondered how he was able to do that.
Yeah. Just tired. Wake me up at Dinner.
OK, better ok?

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