Chapter Thirty-Three: Serena's POV

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Serena's POV-
George, please come back.
There wasn't an answer. I needed to tell him what we'd just been told. I knew he was mad at me, but I wasn't really sure why.
Please, I'm sorry for being upset with you! We need to talk!
I heard it all, Rena. George's voice filled my head suddenly. My own sister doesn't trust me.
George I'm sure it's not like that.
You know it is.
I didn't respond after that. I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't even know where he was. I needed to talk to him about all this, and I needed to be standing in front of him to do it, not from this distance. I got up from the table and walked out of the dining room. I walked outside and out to the porch and leaned against the railing.
George where are you? I sighed and looked around the yard. I saw George sitting on the back of a pick up truck swinging his legs back and forth like a child. I ran over to him and I wrapped my arms aorund his neck.
You OK? I don't know why I didn't say it out loud. George shook his head against my shoulder and I sighed, Are you upset with me?
Why would I be?
I dunno. You just looked upset.
I pulled back from him and sat down next to him. I took his hand and leaned against his shoulder. "George, I need to talk to you."
"Well I'm right here." He sighed staring straight ahead.
"We're friends right?" I asked sitting up. George looked at me and nodded slowly.
"Yes." He said.
"George, I know you don't like Stryker. And I know you don't like that.....but I can't help it." I stared at him and he seemed too embarrassed to say anything. "I don't want you to hate Stryker. And I don't want you to hate me because I-" I couldn't bring myself to say it. Did I actually have feelings for Stryker?
George sighed and looked at his lap, "Lilly told me you didn't like him." He said sadly, "She said you liked me." I shook my head and groaned.
"George, I do like you." I said suddenly shaking my head again, "No, I mean I did like you! No wait, I mean I do like you and I did like you, but I just-" I groaned and tried to think. I was confused. Of course George didn't let me finish trying to explain it. He crashed his lips over mine. George was kissing me. He'd only done that once and it was barely even anything the first time. This time it was long and slow. George's hands held either side of my face and I kissed him back surprisingly. I thought we'd been kissing forever when he pulled away. He turned red and I cleared my throat and looked away from him.
"George, I don't-"
"Serena, I shouldn't have done that, but-"
"George." I cut him off like he'd cut me off and I sighed, "I don't think it's a good idea for us to be that." I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I knew I'd hurt his feelings.
"But you think it's a good idea with Stryker?" He asked quietly. I got up and ran my hands through my hair. Did I think that?
I'm sorry
I walked away and back inside. I saw Stryker sitting on the couch playing with something.
"Hey," He said smiling at me. I tried to smile back, but it didn't really work. I knew he'd ask what was wrong, but I wanted to be by myself. "You OK?"
"Yeah I just," I sighed and shook my head. I plopped down next to him, "I was just talkin' to George and he-"
"What'd he do?" Stryker asked frowning. I laughed and took Stryker's hand. I liked holding his hand better than holding George's hand. That had to mean something.
"Nothing really. We were just talking about the two of us and he just kissed me." I sighed and Stryker looked a bit mad.
"He kissed you?" He asked standing. I rolled my eyes and pulled him back down next to me.
"Yes, but it's not that serious." I sighed, "I don't want anything to do with him in that way." Stryker pulled me against him and I smiled at him. Stryker  sighed and squeezed me to him. I did like him and he was really sweet sometimes.
"So does that mean I have a bit of a chance?" He asked with a strange eyebrow waggle.
"Do you want a chance?" I asked giggling. Stryker tilted his head to the side and pretended to think.
"Maybe." He said smirking.
"Well I think you're the only one with a chance." I said laughing at him. He laughed  and squeezed my hand lightly as Lilly sat down. My smile fell and she cleared her throat.
"Serena, John said you had to go and find George." She said awkwardly. I made a face at her.
"John's not the boss of me and I already went looking for George." I said a little too harshly than I probably should have.
"Well he doesn't know where he is and I don't want to go and find him. John said that because you can talk to him that you needed to find him." Lilly said back scowling. I rolled my eyes at her and she walked off with a huff. I didn't ignore her totally.
George, John said to come inside.
Why? His voice sounded harsh. He was mad at me.
I don't know! Lilly just told me to go and find you so you'd come inside.
What if I don't want to?
Then stay outside and pout, I don't care. I groaned and stood up. Stryker frowned at me and I left the room. He followed me into the hall and grabbed my hand.
"What keeps bothering you so much?" He asked seriously, "One second you're upset and then you're fine again and then you're all bent up again." I looked at him and shook my head.
"I just really hurt George and he's making me feel bad about it." I said running my hands over my face, "And Lilly's mad at me for yelling at her and Midge keeps glaring at me and I don't have a clue what I ever did to her." Stryker stopped my by grabbing my shoulders.
"Serena, calm down." He said, "George will get over it, and you and Lilly can work out whatever it is you fought about." I nodded and took a deep breath.
"What about Midge?" I asked, really worried about that. She had been giving me majorly scary looks and I had no idea why.
"I'll talk to Midge, OK?" he asked giggling. I nodded and he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my cheek and I sighed.
"OK," I said putting my arms around his neck. I buried my face in his shoulder and he squeezed my shoulders.
Serena, Louise wants to talk about where we're going next. George had apparently come back inside.
"C'mon, Louise wants to talk." I sighed. Stryker nodded and I walked down the hall again with Stryker following behind me.
I wondered what this plan was going to be.

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