Chapter Fifty-Five: George's POV

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George's POV-
"What do you mean, I have to go out to dinner with you and Midge?" I demanded as Serena straightened my tie. I swatted her away and did it myself. "I don't even like her."
"That doesn't matter," She said straightening my buttons, "Besides, she's actually not that bad. She's really actually nice."
"She hates you, Rena." I said seriously. I swatted her away again. "Stop, I'm a grown man, I can dress myself." She backed away and held her hands up.
"Sorry," She mumbled, "Besides, Dhani is coming too."
"What? Why?" I asked turning around to face her quickly. She was applying makeup to her eyes. "Why's he coming?"
"I dunno! Midge asked me to invite him!" She exclaimed. She changed her face to look like Sophie. "I think she likes him maybe, but I also think she's scared and maybe she wants a chance to tell him what Stryker's up to."
"You really think we can trust her?" I asked shoving hands deep into my pockets.
"She hasn't told me much, but she has no reason not to tell me the things she did. Sophie doesn't know anything that's going on with us." She shook her head and sighed.
"Right, but she's close to Stryker." I said pulling on some dress shoes.
"I don't think so." she said shaking her head and moving away from the mirror, "She told me she hadn't talked much to him after he told her several things. She didn't want to believe he could be working for Bellamy."
"I'm not gonna trust her with anything until she can give me a really good reason." I said shaking my head. She shrugged back at me and grabbed my hand.
"Be all doubt-y then." She said kissing my cheek, "Just be nice to Dhani. And Midge."
"Can I be mean to you then?" I asked jokingly. She scowled at me and I kissed her quickly before pulling her down the hall. Midge and Dhani were waiting in the living room. Stryker was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper. He didn't look happy.
"Mum, we're going!" Dhani called up on seeing us. Olivia came in wiping her hands on a hand towel.
"Aw, okay, well John and Lilly decided we'd have dinner together." Olivia said, "They're cooking. Daniel you're welcome to join us."
"I'll pass." He grunted. "What's Serena doing for dinner?"
"Oh, she's not feeling well. She doesn't want to be bothered." Sophie said, "She'll be around. Lilly said she's not one to sit still when she's sickly."
"Well we should get going." I said putting my arm around Serena. We headed for the door and we walked out to Dhani's car. I was surprised we weren't taking the van. But if Dhani figured this to be a sort of date, then he wouldn't drive us around London in a stupid looking van.
We went to a small restaraunt, but it was nice. I felt a bit over dressed, but our whole group looked the same. We were all out of place in the restaraunt.
We sat down and the conversation started. It was pretty okay. Midge was actually pretty nice when you actually talked to her. But I still didn't trust her. She could see that though. She talked to 'Sophie' like they were best friends, but when she came to me she watched what she said. She trusted Sophie, but not me.
"So anyways, I was trying to throw rocks at her with my telepathy, ya know," Serena was giggling as she spoke and Midge was laughing into her hand to stifle her loudness, "But I missed and totally hit Neal in the head. He cried for like ten minutes." Dhani laughed and rolled his eyes as he brought his glass to his lips.
"You girls are certainly something to consider never bringing out in public ever again." He said, causing Midge to shove his shoulder lightly.
"I do what I can." Serena said making a face at him, "So anyways, Midge tells me she had parents in Alive Again. Did you know them, Dhani?" Dhani shrugged and looked at her.
"Yes, I did." He said slowly, "Her father was the one to train me to be an agent."
"So if your parents are agents," Serena said, as if something just occurred to her, "then aren't you one of them?"
"You said it like it's a bad thing, Dhani." I said moving my food around on my plate.
"It can be for some people." Midge said looking at me squarely.
"I have yet to find anything bad about having powers and being alive." I said looking up. Now I remember why I didn't like her. She knew how to push my buttons.
"George..." Serena mumbled. "Stop."
"No, tell me one thing wrong with all of this, being the way we are." I said protesting.
"Maybe you've forgotten the fact that there's a psycho maniac trying to find all of you and kill you." Midge said. She brushed back her hair to show a scar, "Because I haven't." She stood up and walked outside. Serena glared at me and I stared back. I had forgotten about Bellamy actually.
"Good going." She said getting up, "This was supposed to be an enjoyable evening." I winced and watched her follow Midge. I hated when she did that. I looked at Dhani and he rolled his eyes.
"Are you going to listen to their conversation, or not?" He asked leaning forward. I concentrated on Serena and then I saw her with Midge outside.
'It's not your fault.' Midge said looking at the concrete they were standing on. 'You didn't tell him to say all that.'
'Yeah, but he doesn't see it the same way I do, or you do.' Serena responded, 'He's just happy to be alive. He doesn't wanna deal with everything else.'
'I wanted to do all this tonight so I could try and talk to Dhani, but inviting you and George just messed it all up.' Midge said with a huff.
'I'm sorry.' Serena said pursing her lips, 'Maybe I could help?' Midge looked at her for a long time before she seemed to have an idea.
'Yeah, you talk to George a lot, and Dhani seems to like you,' Midge said grabbing Serena's hand, 'It's about Stryker. But you can't tell anyone but Dhani. I don't want the others to know.'
And that was the last thing I heard from Serena on the conversation before she shut me out.

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