Chapter Fifty-One: George's POV

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George's POV-
Serena was going out of her mind with worry. She paced the floor in the living room all morning. I tried telling her everything would be fine, but she seemed to refuse to believe me. She had chewed her fingernails to the quick and there was practically nothing left.
"Serena, please calm down." I sighed, "I'm sure she'll be fine." I grabbed her by her shoulders and she looked at me, tears in her eyes.
"What if she's not?" She asked, her eyes searching mine. "She's all I have left George." I didn't take offense. I knew she meant from her old life, the one she wanted to hold onto so terribly badly.
"I know." I said, "But it's fine. They'll by home tomorrow morning at the very latest! Hopefully with a cute little baby to cuddle!" I smiled for her, but she didn't take the bate like she usually did.
"I don't want a baby. I want Lilly." She pouted. She looked very much like a little girl at the moment.
"Serena," Olivia said walking into the room. "can you come and help me in the kitchen?" Serena wiped the tears out of her eyes quickly, sniffling as she nodded. She walked toward Olivia and they disappeared into the kitchen together. Olivia was sympathetic, and calling Serena for help that she most likely didn't need, made me feel a little less anxious about the whole situation.
I sat down and turned the channel on the TV, trying to occupy myself. A movie was on another channel called 'X-Men: First Class'. It was a bit ironic how closely the plot resembled our situation here with what was happening with Bellamy and with our powers. It was pretty entertaining, and of course, right at the exciting part the doorbell sounded.
"Geo, get that, please!" Olivia called from the kitchen. I tried not to smile as I remembered when she'd say that to me a long time ago. I got up and went to the door. Stryker met me there. It seemed that he didn't think anyone else had heard the bell. It was actually very likely.
I opened the door and I was nearly trampled by the people at the door. There was a whirlwind of talking and I shut the door as I registered who exactly had just come in.
"Midge!" Styker had his arms around the blond girl we'd met in Missouri. She had her face buried deep in his shirt. I wasn't really sure what kind of relationship they had, and the fact that Stryker had gone after Serena just confused the situation more.
"Nice of you folks to mention Preston and Bishop were part of Alive Again." Louise said taking off her jacket. I looked at her and frowned. I honestly competely forgot about Louise and Midge. "The other two girls started losing memories of them. They had no idea who we were or why we were in Beverley Hills."
Serena and Olivia walked in out of curiosity. Serena was smiling until she saw them. I saw her glaring at Midge, but I wasn't sure what for.
"Where's Dhani?" Midge asked, looking at Olivia for the answer.
"He took John and Lilly to the hospital," She said calmly, "There was an incident." She didn't tell them what was happening with John and Lilly. She didn't trust them.
"What kind of incident?" Louise asked.
"It's not important," Olivia sighed, "We've just finished making breakfast. You're welcome to join us."
"I'm a bit tired actually." Midge said, strangely timid.
"I'll show you where you can sleep." Stryker said, leading her up the steps.
"Okay, well join us, Louise," Olivia said kindly, "Will you?" Louise nodded and we all went into the dining room to eat. It was a small group since Dhani, Neal, John and Lilly weren't there. It was even smaller because Paul and Beatrice had gone to meet up with Nancy someplace. They had a few agents with them just in case, not that Paul would let anyone touch Beatrice or Nancy after that happened.
Louise told us all about everything that happened with Midge, and Lina and Cindy. She made a point to let Serena know that her sister didn't remember a thing about her. Serena didn't let Louise upset her. She knew her sister would forget her. She said she'd taken them home, made their parents believe they were on a camp trip the entire time.
"What brings you back here?" Olivia asked casually. I couldn't help but notice how good she was at being an unofficial agent. She wasn't going to give away anything to anyone. But she could get nearly anything out of anyone else with the right questions.
I don't think Stryker was just showing Midge a place to sleep. Serena distracted me from Louise's answer. Not that I really cared why she'd come to Friar Park.
I don't think so either. I didn't look at Serena. Louise knew we had a telepathic link, and if I looked it her it was obvious we were talking. If Louise was to be trusted it wouldn't matter, but if she wasn't trust worthy, we'd be first on her list to look out for.
I had an idea.
I looked at her now. What kind of idea? She looked away, down at her plate. She scooted her food around with her fork. She clearly wasn't hungry.
I think I should get close to Midge. But she'll never let me near her, not after the stuff that went on with Stryker; she likes him too much I think.
I don't understand. You can't get close to her because she hates you, so what are you gonna do about it exactly?
Can we talk somewhere? I can't explain it all like this.
Yeah, meet me-
Come to my room. Serena stood up and picked up her plate. "Thanks for breakfast, Olivia. It was great!" Olivia smiled and nodded.
"Thank you for the help." She responded before she went back to her conversation with Louise. I drank down the rest of my orange juice before I got up as well.
"I'll leave you two to talk." I said casually, "I gotta go and practice a few things anyways. Thanks for breakfast, Liv." I hurried out of the room and I felt my cheeks get warm. I hadn't meant to call her that. Things popped out of my mouth before I could stop them a lot.
My face must have still been red by the time I got up to Serena's room because as soon as she saw me she started laughing. "Why're you blushing so hard?" She asked crossing her legs in the center of her bed.
"I accidently called Olivia Liv." I said sitting in front of her. She smiled and slapped her hands down on my knees.
"Okay, so I was thinking," She started slowly, "Dhani said I needed to find a way to practice my power without, ya know, pulling practical jokes and what not, so I was thinking of creating a new...person."
"What kind of person?" I asked thinking it over.
"One that Midge would like." She responded simply, "I was thinking of making her up anyway, and letting Dhani know and not telling anyone else to see if I was convincing enough, but now there's a perfect reason. I don't trust Midge. She's too close to Stryker. If he's telling her anything, and I get close enough maybe she'll tell me about it, or she'll try to recruit me."
I had to admit it was a really good plan. "You came up with this all by yourself?" I asked raising my eyebrows at her. I knew she was smart, but she told me once she wasn't very good at things like this.
"Well," She looked at her lap, "I got the idea from Neal. He was talking about trying to find the identity of a girl he used to know in his past life. He said she must have different aliases and things. He said she was a part of the AAL when he knew her, before he died, but she hated it. She wanted out, and he was planning to help her get out, but he died before she could."
"So, he wants to find her," I said nodding, "But that gave you this idea?" She nodded quickly and it made me wonder how often she hung out with Neal.
"It could work," I said, "But there are too many holes. What if she is working with Stryker, and she figures you out? Something could happen to you-"
"You won't let anything happen to me." She said quickly, "You and I both know that."
"I've already asked Dhani," She said, "He said I could do it, he just doesn't know about the plan with Midge."
"But that's the part I'm worried about!" I said getting up, "I can't stop you doing it, I've learned that if I've learned anything from you, just please be careful." Serena looked at me and she got up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and she buried her face in the side of my neck. I hugged her tight and she took a deep breath in.
"I always used to wonder what you smelled like." She mumbled. I frowned a little and pulled back. She laughed and blushed, "I mean, I dunno, I guess it's weird, but I read about you a lot. I learned everything I could about you and the Beatles. You were my favorite band. And you were my favorite member. I learned everything about you, so much that if I ever met you, we wouldn't have to spend time telling each other about ourselves, but there were things that no one would know but you and the people close to you like the way you smelled."
I looked at her strangely and her face got even more red.
"Wow, that sounded a lot better in my head." She moved away from me and She sat down. She didn't say anything for a few minutes. I assume she was too embarrassed. "You know when you listen to something, a song or a story, and you love it so much, and you listen to it so much that you can hear how much effort and how much pain and work the writer or musician put into it? It makes you love it that much more. The person I loved the most for a long time was someone I'd never get to meet because he died when I was four years old." She looked at me and I knew what she'd meant. She'd listened and read about me for so long she felt like she knew me, but she'd never met me before. She couldn't meet me. She was just a fan.
"And then..." She went on, unable to meet my eye, "You show up. And then I find out that I knew you before already. Someone I have, I dunno, been in love with for years, is someone I knew a long time ago. I live in a time that I've been dreaming of seeing, and now it's too late to go back to it." She wasn't yelling. She wasn't whispering either. She was calm. But she seemed upset.
I sat next to her and I took her hand, "I had the same feelings." I said slowly, "Except it was backwards. I knew you. I'd met you. But then one day, you were just....gone...and then I had to live without you, like you'd been a dream the entire time."
"I'm sorry." She said. Now she was whispering, "For being the way I have been. I had no reason to treat you that way. You didn't do anything to me, and I was being stupid. I guess I was just scared, because I'd never had a boy interested in me, and then suddenly there's you telling me you were in love with me, and I didn't know how to feel about it."
I sighed, "Look, Rena, there are three people you can really honestly trust," I said seriously, "that's John, Lilly, and most definietly me. We are a team. And teams put up with each other."
"Putting up with you is different than not knowing what to say to you when you spout out your feelings." She said. This was the first calm conversation we'd had about this and I wasn't about to let it go.
"Okay, so we compromise," I said nodding, "I'll stop telling you how I feel about you, and you stop yelling at me." She laughed and put her head on my shoulder.

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