Chapter Nineteen: George's POV

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George's POV-
"We have to get out of here, Lilly." I said after she'd woken up. I'd been asleep for who knows how long, and when I'd woken up, Beatrice and Lilly were still asleep. Beatrice was still sound as sleep now curled up against me. Lilly was pacing back and forth in front of me and she was thinking of a way out.
"I know that," She responded harshly, "I've been trying since we got here. We have no windows, no nothing. The door locks ten times on the outside and you need ten different keys for it."
I leaned my head back againt the wall as Beatrice stirred a little. I looked down at her and she clutched onto my shirt. I grimaced. My shirt was white when I put it on and now it was stained with dirt, Serena's blood, and whatever else I'd come into contact with.
"OK, do you know who the guards outside are?" I asked hoping that maybe Lilly could manipulate them possibly. Lilly shook her head and started to bit her nails.
"No, I don't even know how long we've been here." Lilly sighed before she ran her fingers through her hair. "And I'm freezing. Why is it so cold in here?"
I frowned and found it right chilli as well. I looked around, but it was too dark to barely see where the cold was coming from. I felt my hair being blown across my forehead and I had an idea.
"Lilly see if you can see where the cold air is coming from." I said, trying not to wake up Beatrice, "It could be our way out." Lilly nodded and she started to feel around the walls. She kept stumbling, and I wasn't really sure what over. I was sure it couldn't be anything but her own two feet, but you never know.
"Did you find anything, love?" I asked in a loud whisper. Lilly giggled and I frowned. I couldn't see her anymore.
"Love." She repeated, "I love British slang."
"Focus, Lilly." I sighed rolling my eyes, "Did you find anything?"
"Nope," She sighed, "Nothing but this air vent, but it's not where the air is coming from."
"Wait," I said suddenly, "You found an air vent? Where is it? How high up is it from the ground?"
"Um, I can reach it if that's what you mean." Lilly said seeming to be examining it. I nodded and Beatrice shivered a bit in my arms, "OK, come and look over here to see if you can find the air. Beatrice is freezing over here."
Lilly appeared in front of me and she felt along the walls. "I can feel it more over here." She mumbled, "It's gotta be just right here." She huffed in frustration and she sat down. She shook her head and leaned on her elbows against her knees.
"Nothing?" I asked disappointed. We had to get out of here. Lilly shook her head and she closed her eyes.
"Nothing," She repeated just as disappointed.
"There's gotta be something though." I complained, "Somewhere."
"What about the air vent?" Beatrice mumbled. She hadn't moved, but she'd woken up a few minutes ago, "Couldn't we sneak out through the vents like in the movies." She still hadn't sat up, but I think she was too scared to let go. She just needed someone to hold onto her for a while, like Lilly did with John.
"We could, but we don't know where those vents end up." I said with a sigh.
"And what they're used for. Because the air isn't coming from them." Lilly added grimly.
"Well we're gonna die anyway." Beatrice said sitting up, but still holding onto me quite tightly. "Might as well make it interesting. You know YOLO and all that." She looked at Lilly who was laughing.
"Beatrice we can't just crawl into the vents. What if someone catches us? I'm pretty sure those people out there have weapons." Lilly said, bringing the mood down a little, "And, like George said, we don't know where the vents lead." Beatrice sighed and she put her head on my shoulder. 
"Then how are we gonna get out?" She asked. I leaned my cheek against the top of her head as the big metal door opened and Ken stepped in.
"Harrison, you've been given a second chance." he said walking up and grabbing my arm before he jerked me up off the floor, knocking Beatrice over. I scowled at him and he merely smirked. "The Man wants to see you." Beatrice rushed up to me and grabbed my hand. She was frightened but I couldn't look at her. I was standing my ground.
"Don't leave me." Beatrice whispered. I couldn't hold my ground when she said that. I looked at her and she looked close to tears. "Please."
"She stays." Ken spat harshly, "The Man only wants to see you." I nodded to Beatrice and Lilly pulled her over to sit back down next to her.
"I'll be back, Beatrice." I said before I was led out of the dark room into the bright hallway. I braced myself this time and I was able to walk down the hall without tripping this time. I made sure to pay attention to the things in the hall in case I needed to navigate through the halls again, because I even though I told Beatrice I'd be back, I doubted I'd actually be allowed back into that cell with Lilly and Beatrice. I also noticed all the air vents. we could've gotten out of there easily if I hadn't been so worried about getting lost.
Once I was in 'The Man's' office I sat down in the fold up metal chair and waited. I didn't need to snoop. I knew what was in the folders on the desk. I didn't know what was on the computer, but I didn't really wanna look, out of fear of what I might find there. I waited for about ten minutes for "The Man" to show up and I was getting bored again. The computer on the desk was just sitting there taunting me. I didn't want to know what was on it, but I did want to know what "The Man" was trying to accomplish. I didn't even know who the guy was, but I needed to find out.
  I got up slowly and I walked around the desk. I wasn't put in hand cuffs this time, so I didn't have to worry about that. I moved the mouse before the screen lit up. I was surprised by it in the dark room and I suddenly found I didn't know what I was looking for. Fortunately when I went to click on something everything came up.
"Well that's convenient." I mumbled, "And a little too easy..."
"Good that was the plan." The man said as he entered the room.
"Are you gonna tell me who you are now?" I asked moving away from the computer.
"Are you going to tell me where your friends are?" The man asked. I looked at him and smirked.
"I asked you first." I said sarcastically. The Man smiled a bit and that made me nervous.
"My name is Mr. Bellamy." he said. I frowned and nodded.
"Weird name, but I'll buy it." I sighed sitting down in the metal chair. Mr. Bellamy sat in his nice leather chair and folded his hands together.
"Your turn." He said, "Where are your friends?"
"My friends are in your little prison down the hall." I said. I wasn't lying. Lilly and Beatrice were my friends.
"You know what I meant." Mr. Bellamy said.
"My turn," I said folding my hands like he did, "What do you want with me and John, Paul, and Ringo?"
Mr. Bellamy laughed haughtily and I tried not to set my teeth at the sound, "Not Sir Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr. Just you and just John." He said, "And if I told you, then it would ruin the surprise. Now tell me where John is."
"With Lilly's sister Cindy and her friends Lina and Serena I expect." I said smugly. I wasn't letting him know I didn't know where exactly they were or where we were going.
"If you don't tell me," Mr. Bellamy, "I do have some things to persuade you. Now I'm giving you a chance before I put those things into action."
"You don't scare me." I said firmly, "There is nothing you can do to make me tell you anything."
Mr. Bellamy looked at me for a minute before he pushed a button on his desk and Ken entered the room.
"Ken, be a good lad and bring one those girls in here." Mr. Bellamy said calmly. I gasped and looked at him as Ken left the room. I stood up.
"I don't know." I said quickly, "I don't know where they are. Stryker never told any of us his plans or where we had to go. You took me before I could find out. Don't hurt Lilly or Beatrice. I don't know."
Mr. Bellamy chuckled darkly as Ken returned with Beatrice. I looked at her and she looked close to tears. Ken had a tight hold on her arm, and I could tell he was hurting her.
"Let her go, Ken." Mr. Bellamy. Beatrice was released and she stumbled into me and I put my arms around her as she tried to hide in the folds of my dirty shirt. "Mr. Harrison has informed me that Lennon is with Daniel Stryker. Go get me Midge."
Midge. I knew that name. Stryker said it. She was the girl that got caught trying to save Ringo. I looked at Beatrice and she seemed to remember the name as well.
"What do I do with Harrison and her?" Ken asked gesturing to us.
"Take them to a new cell. The one with our little friends." Mr. Bellamy said waggling his eyebrows. Ken grabbed me by the elbow and drug me and Beatrice out of the room. We went to opposite direction down the hall and I hoped Lilly would be OK by herself for a bit.
We were placed in a cell with a little more light than the last, although I couldn't really tell the difference in lights anymore.
I ended up stumbling a bit into the cell and Beatrice actually fell down. I picked her up off the floor gently and she looked at her knee. It was bloodied up and already bruised.
"You OK?" I asked gently, "Ken didn't hurt you?"
"Nah, but he hit Lilly pretty hard before he took me out with him. She fell and hit her head. I don't know if she's OK." Beatrice said worriedly. I nodded and looked around. We seemed to be alone until I started searching the walls for air vents or anything that could help us get out of this particular room.
I'd made it about half way, and I was about to tell Beatrice to get to the other side of the room when something moved in the far left corner. Beatrice saw it and froze where she was standing.
"George?" She whispered, "That wasn't you." I shook my head and held up my hand for her to stay where she was.
"No, but stay there." I said, "Who's there?" I asked looking into the corner. Suddenly a girl popped up and waved stupidly. My mouth dropped open and she did the same as she looked at Beatrice.
"You're Beatrice McCartney!" She exclaimed. I frowned as another person got up. What was going on here?
"Never-mind that!" She said, "George Harrison! You're supposed to be dead!"
"George who are they?" Beatrice asked frowning. She knew. I know she knew. She'd met them already! They've been with us since the beginning.
"I'm Lina and this is my friend Cindy!"

Magical Mystery TourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora