Chapter Five: George's POV

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George's POV-
As I watched Lilly and John take everything downstairs and out to Serena's truck, she walked up next to me. I frowned at her and she cocked an eyebrow back at me.
"What?" She asked.
"Are you OK?" we started walking into, what I found out this morning was, Cindy's bedroom. Serena shrugged and printed out the directions to Beverly Hills.
"Sure, why wouldn't I be?" She asked with a smile in my direction. I shrugged and she folded up the pages before she took out her mobile phone. It was buzzing in her hand and she looked nervous. She declined the call before she pretended it didn't happen.
"Well you're kinda being rude to John." I said pretending not to notice her phone. She shrugged.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize to me, love, he's the one who's in the pissy mood" I said shaking my head. She sighed and walked out of the room. I helped her carry the rest of our stuff downstairs before she tossed them in the back. We walked around the the front and I climbed in and then she got in after me. She started the engine and music started blaring. It's funny how you don't notice how loud music is until later. Serena scrunched up her nose and turned it off as the others started to pile in. Lina was in the back on the end while John was forced in the middle next to Cindy. Lilly called shotgun and she got to sit upfront next to me. Serena took a deep breath and pulled out of the drive way. She handed me the directions and told me to give them to her when needed.
"Couldn't you have just used a map?" Cindy asked looking over my shoulder.
"This is much easier," Serena said, "besides, I don't have a map."
"Well maybe you should get one," John sneered from the back seat. I turned and glared at him. He just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest like a child.
"Hey, Rena," Lina said leaning forward in her seat elbowing Lilly, "You think we'll see Paul McCartney in Beverly Hills?"
"Paul's in Beverly Hills?" John asked, softening his expression. He sat up a little and we both looked at Serena. She nodded and made a left turn.
"Yeah he lives there with his wife and little daughter Beatrice." She said slightly distracted with her driving.
"Linda had another-"
"No," Lilly cut him off, "Linda died sometime in the 90s."
"When did he have another daughter?" I asked trying to remember if I knew about her.
"2010," Lina said looking out the window. She rolled it down a bit and chilled wind rushed in.
"Lina!" Serena hollered turning around slightly, "Roll up your window before I throw you out of it!" Luna huffed and rolled up the window while I gave Serena a wide eyed look.
"Oh I'm not really gonna throw her out the window, George." She said, "Awe, crap!"
"What?" Lina asked biting her lip.
"Nearly out of gas." She responded, "Pit stop!" She hollered. She cursed a few more times and she pulled into the first gas station she came to.
"I'm going in the get snacks, you wanna come inside with me, George?" Lina asked. I nodded and slid out of the car. Lilly followed behind us and we walked inside. It was warm in there and it felt nice. The heat in Serena's truck wasn't all that dandy.
"OK what do you want?" She asked looking at all the sweets. I picked up a bag of beef jerky and smirked.
"George I thought you were a vegetarian?" Lilly asked scrunching up her nose. I did it back to her and shrugged.
"Eh, I was dead for awhile.. I know how it feels...." Lilly laughed and Lina rolled her eyes as she grabbed another bag for Serena. Lilly got something for her and something Cindy would like. I grabbed something for John and then they went to drinks.
"Um, we only need a couple drinks. Someone can share and we have two in the car already." Lina said. I nodded and got a Dr. Pepper. I usually preferred coke, but I wasn't in a cola sort of mood. Lina said they already had one in the car, but I didn't care. Lilly said she'd share with Cindy and she picked out a drink. Lina said she'd drink one if the drinks she had in the car and that John could have the other one. We paid for our snacks and then we got back in the car. Serena was already behind the wheel looking through her albums trying to pick out something to listen to. I was about to slide in, but Lina got in the middle first and I scowled.
"Sorry lover boy, I get front seat." She smirked. I started to get in the passenger seat, but Cindy called shot gun before I could. She climbed in and shut the door. She smiled at me and I climbed in the back seat. I was then shoved in the middle; by John. He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. When they didn't think about was that I had the snacks. I opened my beef jerky and Serena looked at me through the rear view mirror as she sat up a little straighter.
"Can I have some Georgie?" She asked with a slight pout. I laughed and pulled hers out of the plastic grocery bag.
"Only if I can drive later." I said, remembering my love for driving. She giggled and nodded.
"Fine, fine you can drive when I get tired." She said. She held out her hand behind her and I put the bag in her hand, "Jeez you can still have some."
"We got two packages." I said cheekily. She narrowed her eyes at me before she started the engine and we left the gas station.
"Did you ever pick a CD, Rena?" Lina asked. She shook her head and gave the shoe box not Lina, but to Cindy. Lina scowled and crossed her arms over her chest to pout.
"Oh you chose last night, Lin." Serena said under her breath. Cindy looked through them and picked up a Monkees greatest hits album. Lilly cheered and clapped when it started to play. I knew these guys and John did too. He hummed along and I listened to Lilly, Lina, Serena, and Cindy all sing the songs. They were very dramatic while they sang and it was very entertaining.
We drove most of the day and when the sun was going down Serena decided we needed a pit stop for a meal and bathroom breaks. Lina thanked her exaggeratedly as she got out of the car and ran inside the fast food restaurant. I caught up with Serena and I grabbed her hand teasingly.
"So where are we?" I asked looking at the big sign that was shaped like a fat guy with a tray of burgers held over his head.
"We're coming up on Dallas, Texas." She yawned, "And I am dead tired. Driving for twelve hours sucks." She leaned her head against my shoulder as I held the door for the others. Lina was walking out of the bathroom with a dumb grin on her face when we were getting in line to order food. Serena ordered us all burgers and fries with sodas before we piled into a back booth.
John, Lilly, and Lina all sat on one side and Cindy, Serena and I sat on the other. John was stuck in the middle again and he didn't look too happy about it.
"How much longer are we gonna be in that blasted truck?" He asked making a face at his food. I'd already inhaled mine and I was stealing Serena's fries when she wasn't looking.
"A long time, John." Serena sighed looking at me as I stole a couple more fries. She nudged them at me and I picked them up.
"How long is a long time?" Lilly whined.
"It takes 36 hours at least to get from Georgia to California, so if we've only been in the car for 12 hours then we still have two and a half more days, not counting pit stops and possibly stopping for the night someplace." Serena said. John growled and ate his food looking cranky. I remember him getting this way on plane trips before. It was not something you wanted to experience. I finished off Serena's fries and then we all made quick bathroom trips before we piled in the car again. Serena handed me the keys and I grinned. I got in the driver's seat and started the engine. Serena got in the middle seat and Lina kept the passenger seat. Serena suddenly squeaked when her mobile phone started singing. She looked at it and sighed. She ignored the call again and I wondered who kept calling her.
"Put something on, please," Lilly requested, "You know for George's sake." I giggled and Serena put in some country CD and she closed her eyes. She looked tired. Everyone did. I was wide awake, which was good since I was probably gonna be driving all night.

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