Chapter Forty-Four: John's POV

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John's POV-
"I don't really know George." I said looking at him strangely. He wasn't usually one to put things bluntly, and it threw me off. "Do you know how she died?" He nodded slowly and I was quiet for a moment.
"Car crash." He blabbed, "I was driving." He sounded like it was painful to even mention it, but I suddenly remembered the aftermath of her death.
"You didn't talk about her much." George scrunched his nose and I sighed. "I know how Lilly died too." I admitted without thinking. "She knows too. It was my fault." I felt my throat close up some, and the thought of what happened made my entire body ache. 
"Well we can have a club now." He said lightheartedly, "The 'People who are the reason their girlfriend is dead' club."
"That can't be good club at all." I laughed, "Might get too many psychopaths. Might not want to publisize it." George laughed, but it souded strained and dry. He was trying not to ball in front of me, and I was trying not to ball in front of him. It was incredible how one's pride could effect who you cry in front of.
"Paul said he only met Lilly once." George said, shifting the subject to something else. I nodded and thought back on it. I remembered it quite well. She was a bit younger than I was, and Paul thought she was just another girl at the party we attended together.
"His jaw hit the floor when he found out she was my date." I laughed and kicked some dirt around. "You didn't like talking about Serena." George frowned and shrugged.
"I don't remember." He said sadly, "I can't seem to remember anything unless Serena knows it too. Except how she died. I think she's blocking it or something. That's the only other thing I can remember about us."
"I remember trying to tease you about her, but you never gave us anything about her to tease you about." I chuckled and shoved his hands in his pockets.
"Well I'm sure I had a good reason."
"We met her a few times, I remember." I said barely remembering Serena's face. I frowned, "She looked different then."
"Being dead can change how you look." George teased as he shrugged.
"Evidently." I mumbled. "Listen I was looking for Lilly when I ran into you, do you know where she is?"
George didn't seem to hear me. He was staring off into space until I tapped his shoulder. He jumped and stepped back some. "Sorry, what?" He asked. I laughed and shook my head.
"I have to go find Lilly." I said walking away from him.
"Try by the fountain, okay?" He called. I waved to him as I walked in that direction. He must have been talkig to Serena, because when I made it to the fountain, Lilly was sitting on the edge with her feet in the clear water. She looked so much older than she did even this morning. Much older than a when all of this started.
I sat next to her and she looked over at me. "Hello." I said smiling, "how are you?"
She put on a smile, though I could tell it was a bit forced, "I've been better." At least she was truthful. I nodded and took in a deep breath.
"It's nice out here though." I said, looking around. There were trees and plants everywhere. She nodded and kicked her feet a little. "So, uh, I was thinking, maybe if I can convince Dhani to let us go, that we could take a trip to Liverpool. You know, just to two of us." She looked up at me, slightly surprised.
"Why the two of us?" She asked. She looked alarmed and it was slightly confusing. I shrugged and looked at her knees.
"I don't know, I wanted to see Liverpool and since we were both from there before, I just figured you want to go." I said, answering her question, even though she didn't seem to want one after all.
"But we aren't those people anymore, remember?" She asked quietly. She seemed to be saying it for her own benefit, but I shrugged anyway.
"I still remember it." I said, "You don't have to go, I was just inviting you in case you did. I'm sure George will want to go, so if you don't want to he can come along with me."
"I'll go if you want me to." She shrugged and glanced over my me. She was acting rather odd. She really seemed older and it was starting to confuse me. I frowned and she frowned back, "What's wrong?" She turned herself around so she was facing me, pulling her knees up to her chest.
"Lilly, don't take this the wrong way or anything," I said thoughtfully. She nodded slowly. "but, how old are you, ya know, right now?" It wasn't a very dificult question, but she sat there thinking about it for three or four minutes.
"I..." She picked at a scab on her knee absently, "I...I can't remember." I nodded and ruffled my hair. I was starting to get hot out here.
"How old do you want to be?" I asked chuckling. She smiled and put her cheek against her knee.
"How much younger than you was I before? When we were together in liverpool?" She asked, looking at me. This girl was certainly different.
"Um, I was 18 then," I said thinking back, "And it was 1958 when were 17 I think." Lilly nodded and stretched out her legs.
"Okay, then I want to be 17." She was gentle and quiet as she spoke, and I'd never heard her speak that way before. Not really.
"So I'm 18 then?" I asked as her legs rested over my lap. She shrugged and leaned back on her elbobws.
"If you went by our real ages I'd be 74." She said.
"You look good for 74." I quipped. She laughed and I smiled.
"You too, Lennon." She said scrunching her nose. "You'd be 75." We didn't talk for a moment or two, and then she asked, "How old do I look, John?"
I looked at her face for a long time, trying to decide. Her eyes were dark blue again. Her hair had been cut at Louise's but it had grown back to her shoulders, and her soft smile made me think about the way it was in Liverpool together.
"You look like you could be at least 18." I said shrugging. She giggled and rolled her eyes.
"You're just saying that." she nudged me with her foot and I put my hand on her leg. "because that makes you 20 years old then." I shook my head and sighed.
"No, I swear!" I said laughing, "Serena looks eighteen. You look older than she does." Lilly rolled her eyes and sighed. 
"I may not remember how old I am, but Serena is older than me." She laughed and I shrugged at her.
"Fine then." I said looking up at the sky. It was really nice sitting there together. It made me feel like I knew who I was for a while.
But all good things must come to an end. It started to rain, and we were forced inside the giant house. It thundered and stormed out all night, and most of us all sat in the living room and watched TV most of the night.
Serena suggested we watch a movie, and there were so many we hadn't seen, or that some couldn't remember seeing, that we had to narrow it all down from about 20 movies. Ultimately, Dhani picked a horror film, and Lilly looked like she was about to pass out.
"Oh please no!" She pleaded grabbing onto my arm, "Dhani, I hate scary movies!" He looked at the rest of us and sighed.
"Fine, let's take a vote!" He said holding up the movie, "This movie here, or another movie? Votes for this movie?" I looked around and I saw Stryker, Serena, and Paul raise their hand. "Oh fine I'll pick something else. I laughed and Dhani went digging around in the pile of movies again. He came back with a movie that Lilly didn't mind watching, and we all sat piled on the big L shaped couch to watch it.
Paul shut off all the lights and Lilly curled up to me. I put my arm around her. I felt like a kid on a group date for some reason, and when I glanced at George, he seemed confused. Serena was sitting next to him playing with her phone with her head on his shoulder. He had a blanket over his lap and he looked back at me and raised an eyebrow. I raised one back and he looked down at Serena. I looked back at the TV screen and found I had no idea what was happening in the movie. I looked down at Lilly and she had gone to sleep. I chuckled and adjusted my arm around her.
She has been acting quite strange today.

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