Chapter Twenty-Nine: Serena's POV

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Serena's POV-
I woke up feeling well rested. I hadn't felt this good in a few weeks and it made me think about home. I hadn't missed it, but only because I never thought about it. I mostly missed my bed. This was something I've always looked forward to doing, give or take a few of the activities going on. I always wanted to get away from home, nevertheless. I suddenly remembered my phone and I drug it out of the pocket of my shorts, nudging George a bit. He groaned at my movement and I froze to keep him from waking up. I was curled up against him and he had his arms around me.
I lit up my phone and I swiped my finger across the screen and touched the voicemail button. I had about 30 of them, most likely all from my worried parents. I had one from my older sister, several actually. I had a collection of viocmails from the rest of my relatives, but there was only one from my Aunt. That was a bit curious to me. She's the only one who'd only called once. I touched it and put it to my ear.
"Serena, I was hoping you'd pick up the phone. Your mom and dad are worried sick. Where have you gone exactly and what are you trying to do wherever you are? You and Lina better come home soon before your mom and Dad really lose it. They aren't the only ones worried about you. I'm woried about you. I don't know why you thought you had to run off like that, but please call me back, Serena. I love you, bye."
I sighed and stared at the screen of my phone. I didn't think about all of this affecting them. I knew they'd wonder where we went and I knew there was a possibility that they'd try and find us, but I hadn't seen any news or posters or any of our faces on milk cartons recently. George had said to call them back before we got on the train on the way to Paul's. That seemed like ages ago. I couldn't call them now and tell them I was OK. They would yell and insist we come home. I wouldn't listen to them obviously, but my parents were not the very best to reason with. Of course I could always hang up on them and refuse to answer the phone when they called back, but why waist the time when I knew I'd never get through to them.
I opened the app that held my contacts and pursed my lips. Should I call? What if they answer? I called my Dad's cell phone number and held the phone to my ear. It rang six times before an answer came.
"Hello? Rena?" It was my dad. "Serena is that you?" I hung up and threw my phone away from me. The movement woke up George. I had tears cascading down my face and George was worried.
"Serena?" he asked pulling me into his arms as I finally just let go and started sobbing, "What's wrong?"
"I was just...I was looking at my phone and I called my dad." I choked. George squeezed me tighter and I shook my head.
"And?" He asked, not prying. Just giving me the option to tell him.
"And he answered. I freaked out and hung up." I said, upset with myself. "It just surprised me and I just-"
"Shh," George kissed the tip of my nose lightly, "Calm down, love. It's OK." I nodded and took a deep breath. My phone rang. It was singing Never Too Late by TheNewNo2, Dhani's band. I got up and picked it up. It was my Aunt.
"Answer it." George urged, "You'll feel better." I pushed the answer button and held the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" I asked quietly. There was silence and I thought about hanging up again.
"Serena? It's Janie." My Aunt said over the phone. I liked hearing her talk. "Are you alright? Your dad just said you called him."
"It was an accident." I said seriously. "Why'd you call?"
"I'm trying to warn you." She said in a dark serious tone, "You parents are trying to track you. They called the police. That's why they called you so much. They hoped you'd pick up."
"Why are you telling me?" I asked, "You could be using the police to track me now."
"No, I'm not. I wouldn't have told you about it if I was." Janie said trying to keep me from hanging up. "I'm trying to warn you. Don't call them. Don't answer when they call you and do not, I repeat, do not call your sister."
"Janie what's going on?" I asked, scared, "I'm not doing anything wrong. Lina and I just...left. There's no reason to go calling the police!"
"Serena, the news is all over you and Lina and your little friends. You guys blew up some place in Missouri and the police are investigating right now." Janie said. Serena could hear the seriousness in her voice.
"I didn't blow anything up, and neither did Lina." I said shaking my head.
"I'm watching it right now, Rena!" Janie insisted, "You aren't there, but Lina is with two other boys and what looks like an unconscious girl." I groaned and turned to look at George. He raised his eyebrows at me and I gritted my teeth.
"Just be careful, Serena." Janie said with a caring sound in her voice. I nodded even though she couldn't hear me.
"Yeah, I gotta go." I said. I hung up and threw my phone right at George. "Why did you have to blow the place up!?" I yelled at him. My phone had hit him in the head. He groaned.
"I'm sorry! It was the only way we could get out!" He protested, "It's not my fault you didn't think to call your parents sooner than now!"
"I couldn't have just called them George!" I said getting mad at him, "You don't know what they're like! My Aunt Jane is the only one of my relatives I actually liked! She said they've got the police looking for us because you had to go and blow Bellamy's place up!" George looked at me in slgith shock. He didn't say anything and I was wondering if he was ever going to explain himself.
"I never told you who'd kidnapped us." He said quietly. Stryker had woken up from the noise and he looked confused. "Serena, who told you who kidnapped us?"
"Nobody!" I admitted. I knew that sounded suspicious, but I didn't care. "I've been having dreams about you and what happened with Bellamy! John had dreams about Lilly while you were there too. That's how we knew where to find you."
"And why didn't you tell me this before now!" George said anger flaring in his eyes. I backed away from him and shook my head.
"Because it didn't matter and we really haven't had time to talk about anything!" I shot back at him. George clentched his fists and kicked the coffee table to try and get his anger out.
Louise walked in then, looking unsure of the situation, "Calm down both of you." She said in a orderly tone. George only glared at her.
"And where do you come in wth all this?" He asked. He was evidently tired of waiting for everything to be explained in time. "How did you know how to help Lilly and why did Stryker bring everyone here?"
"George I can't explain it all right now-"
"No! I want you to tell me what the hell is going on and I want to know why I'm here and I want to know why I have these weird powers and why I showed up with Serena! I wanna know why I couldn't have just stayed where I was." He said the last words slowly, and I felt like crying all over again. He'd rather be dead than to be here. To be alive and with John and the rest of us. It hurt, and he could tell how much it hurt me because I turned around and left the room. I walked out of the house and started walking down the drive. I needed to get away from all of them. Nothing was right and I needed to think about what to do.

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