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Originally I wrote a "fanfic" for my cousin as a joke because she likes Roman Reigns and asked me to. What I thought was going to be a couple of chapters turned into 50! I felt that two of the characters should have their own story which is this story. Please remember this is a story of FICTION!!!! So please do not freak out over how these characters are portrayed. I have based it on other fanfics I have read. As a wrestling fan, I actually like all of the people that will be mentioned in this story. If any are painted as a bad person or whatever, know it is just a dramatic version of someone. It does not reflect my real feelings towards the wwe superstars. And I will not use Roman's wife and daughter's name out of respect for their family. I think Roman and his wife are a great couple so when I mention his wife in this story know that it is not in any way based on her. Its just a character I made up for the story. With that being said I hope you guys like it!

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