Chapter 22

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Jon received a text message from Renee one morning. This was the first time Renee had contacted him since the incident. The text message said "Just in case you didnt know what your old friend and girlfriend are up to." It was a picture of Kaylee kissing Colby on the cheek with the caption "Yeah, she likes me." Jon felt betrayed! He didnt want to believe that Kaylee was dating Colby. He hadn't been to work in two weeks because he was suspended for showing up to work hung over.

A few of the wwe superstars went to a club after smackdown. Kaylee saw Jon at the bar by himself and approached him

Kaylee "Hey Jon"

Jon looked at Kaylee

Kaylee "How are you?"

Jon "Like you care."

Kaylee "I do. I'm concerned about you."

Jon "Well dont be! You haven't talked to me in what? Three months? And now you want to talk to me?"

Kaylee "I apologize for that, I didnt mean to upset you, I just needed time."

Jon "I can tell."

Kaylee "Excuse me?"

Jon "Nothing, just leave me alone."

Colby walked up "What's going on?"

Kaylee "Jon, you're my friend and I'm really worried about you."

Jon "I know you told me that, now go."

Colby "Jon, she's concerned about you, have a little respect for her."

Jon getting in Colby's face "Don't you fucking talk to me about respect."

Colby "Do you really want to do this now? You're spiraling Jon. If you want to hit me then go for it! Steph is getting tired of your shit! People are tired of putting up with an asshole like you."

Jon was clinching his fist. He wanted to punch Colby

Kaylee "Colby, thats enough!"

Jon "No, let him keep running his mouth."

Kaylee "Colby, please."

Jon "Listen to your girlfriend Colby."

Kaylee "Jon, lets talk outside."

Jon "I dont want to talk to you, its not like we're friends anymore."

Kaylee "Please Jon, lets go outside."

As angry and hurt Jon was by Kaylee, he couldn't help but listen to her even when he told himself he wouldn't. The two went outside

Kaylee "Say what you have to say to me, lets hash this out right now!"

Jon "Do you know how you look?"

Kaylee "I dont Jon, so please tell me how I look?"

Jon "You look like a slut! First me, then Matt and now Colby."

Kaylee "I never dated you or Matt! And I'm not the one hooking up with chicks at bars. Nick has been telling everyone about all the girls you guys take back to your room!"

Jon "Nick is a fucking liar! And if I did, whats it to you?"

Kaylee "It's nothing."

Jon "It's not like we're going to date so you have no right to say anything!"

Kaylee "You know what Jon, you're acting like a dick right now?"

Jon "I'm not a dick you're a dick!"

Kaylee "Oh now I'm a dick?"

Jon "Yeah a big one!"

Kaylee and Jon both looked at each other and after a few seconds of an intense stare down started laughing

Jon "I'm sorry, you know I didnt mean that."

Kaylee "I know you didnt."

Jon "And I dont think you look like a slut."

Kaylee "Apology accepted."

Jon "Aren't you going to apologize to me for calling me a dick."

Kaylee "I didnt call you a dick, I said you're acting like one."

Jon "Fair enough."

Kaylee "Why are you doing this to me?"

Jon "Because, you're with the one person I hate!"

Kaylee "You dont hate him."

Jon "I can never forgive him. I can't believe you would actually date him."

Kaylee "Its not like I did it on purpose. We both like each other and thought we should give it a shot. He's been good to me."

Jon "I can be good to you."

Kaylee "We both know it would never work. We want two different things in our relationship."

Jon "You dont think Colby wants something different from you."

Kaylee "Right now, I'm just taking it day by day."

Jon "If you're going to be with him, I dont think I can be okay with it, I'm sorry."

Kaylee "It's a shame, because I really miss my friend."

Jon "We can still talk but I can't be around him."

Kaylee "I understand."

Kaylee and Jon hugged for 15 seconds and went their separate ways

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