Chapter 53

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Jon invited Colby to hang out at a bar after raw the next week with him and Joe as an apology for being rude.

It was like the old days for the shield boys. Colby was glad that things between them seemed to be back to normal

Jon "How's your love life Colby?"

Colby laughing "Not good man. I seem to have bad luck when it comes to the ladies."

Jon "A stud like you? Impossible!"

Colby "These girls only want to be with me because of my money and fame. We can't all find good ones like you Jon."

Jon "I sure am a lucky guy aren't I?"

Colby "The luckiest!"

Jon trying to play it cool "Yeah."

Joe thought it was odd the way Jon was acting toward Colby.

Colby "I gotta take a piss, I'll be back."

Jon "I'll go get some more beer."

Joe followed Jon to the bar to get the drinks

Joe to Jon "What are you doing man?"

Jon "Just hanging out with my boys, is that a crime?"

Joe "You're being way too nice to Colby. Last week you wanted to kick his ass and now you're having drinks with him. I know you bro, you dont do that shit."

Jon "Being a father has changed me."

Joe "That may be true but lets be honest, when it comes to Kay, theres no way you're just going to let something like that go."

Jon "Weren't you the one that told me to let it go last week? So I'm letting it go."

Joe didnt belive a word Jon was saying. He knew Jon was up to something

Joe "If you say so."

Colby returned from the restroom

Jon handing Colby a beer "Come on Colbs, lets find you a lady!"

Colby "I'm good man."

Jon "Colby, you're my friend, I want you to be happy. Joe found happiness with Karen, I found it with Kaylee, now its you're turn."

Colby "That's really nice Jon, thank you."

Jon "Now quit being a little bitch and go talk to some girls!"



Jon was in the locker room getting ready for a house show in San Diego, California. He was missing his girls more and more with everyday that passed. The 3 weeks that he was away from them felt like an eternity especially since he had not spoken to Kaylee at all that day.

The was a knock at the door, it was Joe

Joe "Hey man, I have some someone who wants to meet you, is that cool if they come in?"

Jon "Sure."

When Jon looked at the door he couldn't believe his eyes

Joe holding Paisley so it looked as if she was peaking in the door "Hi dada."

Jon running to his daughter "Pais!"

He carried Paisley and didnt want to let her go

"Surprise babe." Kaylee said as she gave Jon a kiss on the lips

Jon "Wha......How.......I can't believe you're here! Is that why you haven't called or texted me?"

Kaylee "Yes. Sorry about that."

Jon "I dont even care, as long as you're here now."

Kaylee "My dad had something to take care of back home so i figured why not spend the week down here."

Jon "You made my day babe. God I missed you."

Colby "I heard the little ass kicker was here so I wanted to say hi."

Jon "She's not leaving my arms until my match starts."

Colby playing with Paisley's hand "That's okay, I just wanted to see this beautiful face."

Jon wanted to tell Colby to back away but didnt want to make a scene

Colby "What's her shirt say? My DaDa is the lunatic fringe. He sure is."

Kaylee "Colby, I heard the boys took you out, trying to help you find a girl."

Colby "Yeah, I've been texting her. We may go out next week."

Kaylee "Just be careful, you know how girls can be."

After Jon's match, The Good family hopped in a car and headed to Los Angeles


Jon was going to be in Los Angeles for one more day before heading out to Mexico. He spent it with Kaylee and Paisley at the beach

Kaylee "Three more weeks and then we can see you again. Do you think you can handle it?"

Jon "I know I can, I just dont want to."

Kaylee "The good news is you'll have a week and a half off when you get back."

Jon "I think I'm going to see if Steph will let you and Pais come on the road with me."

Kaylee "She's only 5 months, the road is not the best place for her right now. Maybe after she turns one."

Jon "You're probably right."

"Smile." Kaylee said as she took a picture of Jon and Paisley

Jon "The dress she is wearing is cute."

Kaylee "Right? Colby bought it for her."

Jon "He did? When?"

Kaylee "Remember when he brought flowers and a gift for her? He bought her a lot of clothes, different sizes. This was one of them. That was nice of him huh?"

Jon "Sure was. That's Colby for ya, Mr. Nice Guy."

Kaylee just ignored Jon's comment, she didnt want to feed into it.

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