Chapter 41

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Kaylee and Tori made their way over to their seats in the front row. Kaylee was wearing a shirt that said "Dean Ambrose Stole My Heart." Tori wore a shirt that said "Dean Unstable Ambrose." As Kaylee sat in her seat, she couldn't help but shake her leg.

Tori "Dude, stop shaking your leg."

Kaylee "Sorry, I'm just so damn nervous."


Backstage Jon was waiting to make his way to the ring. He was pacing back and forth anxiously. He tried to get the proposal out of his head so he can focus on his match. His music hit and the crowd cheered. When he got to the ring he saw Kaylee on her feet smiling. Shorty after that Seth Rollins made his way to the ring. Colby blew a kiss to Kaylee which pissed off Jon. He hit Colby and the match began.


25 minutes into the match both Dean and Seth were exhausted. It appeared that Dean had the upper hand in the match and can very well be the new champion until Kane came out. Dean was about to pin Seth when he saw Kane. Dean got up trying to get the chair away from Kane, and he did but then Kane grabbed Dean by the neck and was setting him up for a choke slam. Just then the crowd started cheering loudly, it was Roman Reigns coming to save his brother Dean. Kane let go of Dean and was met with a spear from Roman. Roman rolled Kane out of the ring. Seth got up and tried to curb stomp Dean but Dean avoided it and hit Seth with the "Dirty Deeds"

The crowd "One....Two.....Three."

Lilian Garcia "Here is your winner and new WWE World Heavy Weight Champion, Dean Ambrose!"


Kaylee hugged Tori

Joe went up to Jon and gave him a big hug

Joe "You did man, you fucking did it!"

Jon smiling raising the belt in the air.

Colby went up to Jon and extended his hand for a hand shake. Jon shook his head no and instead hugged Colby. The crowd loved it!

Kaylee had tears in her eyes as she saw Jon. She knew how hard he has worked and how much he deserved it.

Jon was on the top ropes celebrating when he asked for the microphone.

Jon "I just wanted to say thank you to the WWE universe for the support you guys have given me. I also want to thank this guy right here Mr. Roman Reigns, my best my brother for always having my back! And last I want to thank that girl right there." Jon pointed at Kaylee "I want to thank my girlfriend Kaylee for being my biggest supporter of all! I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, I owe you everything. Stand up so they can see you."

Kaylee was crying and trying to cover her face. She thought it was so sweet for Jon to acknowledge her like that.

Tori to Kaylee "Get you ass up!"

Kaylee got up and waved to the crowd, they cheered for her.

Jon "Kaylee come up here, I want you to stand up here and share this moment with me."

Joe jumped out of the ring to help Kaylee over the barricade and into the ring.

Jon raised Kaylee's hand. He hugged her and kissed her

Jon "Seriously this girl has been my everything and I can't imagine my life without her."

Kaylee was facing the crowd on one side while Jon was behind her

Jon "Thats why I want to know."

The crowd getting loud with cheers chanted "this is awesome!"

Kaylee turned around to see what they were looking at. She saw Jon on one knee with a ring in his hand.

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