Chapter 19

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Nervous to see Nick since that day at the hospital, Kaylee walked into the arena with Jon. She was greeted by her friends and coworkers. As she was giving hugs to everyone she found herself standing face to face with Nick. She can feel herself getting angry looking at Nick. Kaylee said a quick prayer and hugged Nick. Nick was surprised that Kaylee gave him a hug. Kaylee settled in and before she knew it, it was time for lunch. She was getting food when Nick approached her.

Nick "It's good to see you. To be honest I didnt expect you to even acknowledge me."

Kaylee facing Nick with a smile "Lets get one thing straight asshole, I am not your friend, I dont want to be your friend, I dont want anything to do with your ass but you are my coworker. I am going to keep this relationship as professional as possible, nothing more."

Nick "Kaylee I'm sorry, I never meant......"

Kaylee cutting Nick off "Save it! I dont want to hear it. I am going to try my very best to forget anything that ever happened between us. You are to never speak of this! Do I make myself clear?"

Nick "Yes."

Kaylee "Good!"

Jon and Joe sat down with Kaylee

Joe "How does it feel being back?"

Kaylee "It feels good. Cant believe how much I've missed you guys."

Jon "We have to celebrate your return, what do you say?"

Kaylee "What do you think Joe?"

Joe "You know I'm always up for beers."

Kaylee "Then I guess we're going out tonight."



Joe "Did you tell her how you feel yet?"

Jon "Not yet."

Joe "Bro, what the hell are you waiting for?"

Jon "After talking to her mom I dont know if I want to ruin our friendship."

Joe "How would you ruin it?"

Jon "You know I'm a shitty boyfriend. I promised her mom that I would look after her, I dont want to let either of them down."

Joe "What you said to me right now proves that you've changed. You really care about her and I know you won't do anything to hurt her."

Kaylee "What are you guys talking about?"

Jon "Nothing."

Kaylee "Come on Jon, lets dance!"

Kaylee pulled Jon to the dance floor. The two were smiling and dancing together



Kaylee "I'm so excited about tonight!"

Matt "It's going to be epic!"

Kaylee "Text me when you're back from the gym."

Matt and Kaylee were talking about the New Kids on the Block concert they were going to later that night. Jon met Kaylee for lunch.

Jon "What time are you heading to the concert."

Kaylee "It starts at 7, so maybe 6. What are you and Joe going to do tonight?"

Jon "Probably go to a bar."

Kaylee checking her phone "Shit!"

Jon "What's wrong?"

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