Chapter 4

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Kaylee and Nick both agreed to keep their "relationship" a secret from everyone. Kaylee didnt want to mix business with pleasure. While they were working, they would rarely talk to each other.


Nick "Can we talk?"

Kaylee "What's up?"

Nick holding Kaylee's hands "My agent just called me and told me that I'm going to be in Vancouver for 2 months to film a movie."

Kaylee "That's great, congratulations!"

Nick "I leave in a week."

Kaylee putting her head down "Oh."

Nick "How's this going to work? I mean are we officially a couple? What?"

Kaylee knew she liked Nick and she especially liked kissing him but she didnt really feel like he was her boyfriend.

Kaylee "How about we see what happens when you come back. If one of us is interested in someone else then I guess whatever this is that we're doing is over. I dont want there to be pressure on us."

Nick "You sure you're okay with that."

Kaylee "Yeah, I think that's whats best. Its not like we've known each other that long anyway."

Nick "Okay, if nothing has changed in two months then I guess we'll just pick up right where we left off."

Kaylee nodding her head yes "Now come here! You're not leaving just yet."

Nick and Kaylee make out


Nick had left to film his movie and Kaylee realized that she should probably start making some friends to hang out with after work.

Steph to Kaylee "I have an assignment for you."

Kaylee "What do you need boss?"

Steph "Joe, Roman Reigns, is coming back after sometime off. He was spending time with his family. I told him I will help him to the best of my ability to make sure he is in constant communication with his wife and daughter. Also to make sure he is able to see them as much as possible. I need you to travel with him and help him out with that stuff, arrange his schedule so he can see his family. Is that okay?"

Kaylee "Yup."

Steph "Let's go find him so I can introduce you two."

Kaylee was excited to be working with Joe because Roman Reigns is one of her favorite wrestlers.

Steph "Joe, this is Kaylee. She's gonna be helping you out for a while."

Joe to Kaylee "Hey, its nice to meet you."

Kaylee "Nice to meet you too."

Steph "Alright, I'm gonna let you two get aquatinted with each other. See you around."

Joe "Thank you Steph."

Kaylee and Joe hung out for a while, they instantly became friends. Joe liked the way she carried herself. He is not really friends with any of the Diva's so it was nice to have a female friend at the wwe.



Jon was walking around backstage. He couldn't take another day of being away especially since the show was in Vegas.

Jon was talking to Daniel Bryan when he saw Kaylee walking by. He still didnt know who she was but again she seemed to catch his attention. He was afraid of asking anyone who she is because they might tell Renee and everybody knows about Jon's cheating.

Jon was texting Renee after he finished eating when he bumped into someone, it was Kaylee.

Kaylee "I'm so sorry"

Jon "No, it was my fault. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I should be asking if you're okay." Kaylee said pointing at Jon's shoulder.

Jon smiling "I'm good."

Kaylee smiling "have a good day."

Jon as Kaylee walked away "Bye."


It was the end of the night, Jon was heading over to visit Joe. They haven't seen each other in a few weeks.

Jon was about to knock on the door when Kaylee opened it

Kaylee "Are you here to see Joe?"

Jon "Yeah, is he in there?"

"Yeah, he's face timing his wife and daughter. Go in, he should be done in a few minutes." Kaylee said as she stepped out of the room.

Jon walked in and sat on the bench as Joe was in a corner talking to his family. He had his earphones on so he didnt hear Jon come in.

A few minutes later Kaylee walked backed in. At the same time Joe hung up the phone.

Joe walking up to Jon "Bro, long time no see! How have you been?"

Jon hugging Joe "I'm doing alright, how about you? How's the family."

Joe "They're doing well man. How long are you out for?"

Jon "Another month or so. The doctor said I might be back before then."

Joe "I hope so, I need my traveling buddy."

Kaylee "Hey! I thought I was your traveling buddy."

Joe laughing "I can have two traveling buddies."

Jon and Kaylee laughed

Joe "Jon do you know Kay?"

Jon "No I dont"

Joe "This is Kaylee, she's Steph's assistant but has been helping me out."

Jon "Nice to meet you Kaylee"

Kaylee shaking Jon's hand "Nice to meet you too."

All Kaylee can think of when she met Jon was how hot he is. She loved his shaggy hair and blue eyes.

Joe "Are you doing anything right now? Let's grab a beer and catch up."

Jon "I'm down."

Joe "Kay?"

Kaylee "Thanks, but you two should hang out. I dont want to interrupt the bromance."

"You won't be." Jon said hoping she would change her mind

Kaylee "I dont think so."

Joe "Come on Kay."

Kaylee "Really, I'm good. You two enjoy."

Joe to Jon "Guess she doesn't like you bro. She's not feeling the ambooty."

Kaylee giving Joe a dirty look. Then she turned to Jon and said "It was a pleasure meeting you Jon, but I actually have a lot of work to take care of."

Joe "Don't give me that look."

Kaylee "I'm gonna kick your ass Joe!"

Joe laughing "okay okay I'm sorry."

Kaylee got her bags and left

Jon "Is she really mad at you?"

Joe "No. We joke around a lot. She's actually really cool, we get along well."

Jon "She seems cool."

Joe "She's definitely not like the other girls here."

Jon wanted to keep asking questions about Kaylee but knew Joe would be suspicious of all the questions he was asking.

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