Chapter 25

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It was Joe and Gina's anniversary. Kaylee finished early and was able to catch a flight to florida just in time to help Gina out.

Gina "Thank you again for helping me."

Kaylee "Of course! What else do you need me to do?"

Gina "If you can just set up the tables that will be great."

Once Kaylee finished setting up the tables, she helped Gina get ready. This anniversary party was semi formal.

As guest started to arrive at Joe and Gina's house, Kaylee started to realize that everyone there was either married or had been in a relationship for a few years.

The door bell rang, it was Jon.

Joe answering the door "You made it!"

Jon "Just got off the plane, changed and came straight over here. Happy Anniversary."

Joe "Thanks bro."

The two made their way to the living room.

Kaylee and Gina were talking in the door way of the kitchen. Jon thought that the back of the girl Gina was talking to looked familiar.

Gina to Kaylee "Look behind you."

Kaylee looked to see that it was Jon. She ran up to Jon and gave him a big hug. The two had not seen or spoken to each other in weeks.

Kaylee "I'm so glad to see you."

Jon surprised at Kaylee's good attitude "Me too."

Joe "I'm gonna let you two catch up."

Kaylee "Please tell me you came by yourself."

Jon "I did, why?"

Kaylee "Because everyone here is either married or have been dating for years. I felt like a loser being the only single person here. Now we can be losers together."

Jon "Where's Colby?"

Kaylee "No idea, we broke up just before the European tour."

Jon "Sorry to hear that."

Kaylee "Its not a big deal. We both realized we loved each other but we weren't in love with each other."

Jon "You're not missing out on much with him."

Kaylee smiling "When are you going to forgive him?"

Jon "Never."

They both laughed.

Jon "You look beautiful."

Kaylee "Thank you Jon, and I gotta say you are looking handsome tonight."

The two stared into each others eyes

Joe "It's time to eat."


After dinner Jon and Kaylee stayed outside talking while everyone else was inside. Jon felt that tonight was the night he was finally going to tell Kaylee how he feels.

Kaylee "Do you mind if I put on some music."

Jon "Not at all..............So........."

Kaylee "So..........."

Jon "I was telling Joe I'm surprised that Pam hasn't released anything yet."

Kaylee "That's so weird. Maybe she changed her mind."

Jon "Maybe........or maybe its because you have the envelope."

Kaylee "I'm going to kick Joe's ass."

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