Chapter 48

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"What is taking so long?" Kaylee said anxiously as she shook her leg

Jon "We've only been in here for 5 minutes. Just relax, he'll be in here any minute now."

Jon looked over at Kaylee as she played with her cross necklace. He put his hand on her hand and said "It's going to be okay."

"Mr and Mrs Good, thank you for patiently waiting." The doctor said as he entered the room

The doctor began to tell Jon and Kaylee the reason why Kaylee hasn't been able to get pregnant is because she has a condition in which she has a 30 percent chance of conceiving a child.

Kaylee was sobbing into Jon's arms

"It's okay babe, its okay." Jon said trying to comfort Kaylee


Jon waited until Kaylee fell asleep to sneak out of the room and call Joe

Jon calling Joe on the phone "Hey man, can you talk?"

Joe "Yeah bro, everything alright?"

Jon started to cry

Joe "Don't tell me...."

Jon "It's not good man."

Joe "Shit Jon, I'm so sorry. How's Kay?"

Jon "She's not taking it well. She literally cried herself to sleep."

Joe "This is so fucked up."

Jon "Yeah."

Joe "Did the doctor give you options besides adoption?"

Jon "No. They said it was a miracle she was able to conceive the baby with Nick in the first place. Even if she happens to conceive again, she can have another miscarriage."

Joe "I'm so sorry bro, if there's anything I can do please don't hesitate to call me."

Jon "Thank you. I don't even know what to think right now."

Joe "You should take sometime off and be with Kay."

Jon "I know I'm going to call Steph in the morning. I'm gonna try to get some sleep I'll call you in the morning. Thanks for being there for me."

Joe "Anytime man, you know I'm here for you and Kay. I'm praying for you guys."



"I'll be back, do you need anything?" Jon asked Kaylee

Kaylee just sat on the couch and continued to stare at the tv

"I love you" Jon said as he walked out the door.

Kaylee had fallen into a deep depression after finding out her chances of conceiving were low. Jon was really starting to worry about her. He tried his best to be there for her and support her but nothing helped.Right after finding out, they stopped being intimate. Jon was missing Kaylee even though she was physically there. Jon called Kaylee's mom to come stay with Kaylee since he was going to be traveling nonstop for a month. Jon had become the top name in the WWE which meant he was constantly on the road. It served as a distraction from facing the reality at home


The doorbell rang

"Mom, the door." Kaylee yelled

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