Chapter 59

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After Raw a few of the WWE Superstars were having drinks at the hotel bar. Jon sat quietly by himself away from everyone else. Kaylee walked up to him, lovingly wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Jon didnt react to her loving gesture, instead he just starred at his empty glass.

Kaylee "What's wrong?"

Jon didnt say anything

Kaylee "Are you upset with me?"

Jon gently removed her arms from him and walked away

Joe "What was that about?"

Kaylee "I have no idea."

Joe "I'll go find out."

Kaylee "Don't! Just let it go....please."



Colby "You're neck still hurting?"

Kaylee "Yeah."

Colby "Sit down."

Kaylee "I have things to do."

Colby "Sit down. You're not going to be any help if you're in pain."

Kaylee sat down on the chair in front of Colby. He began massaging her neck and shoulders

Colby "How does that feel?"

Kaylee "Amazing!"

Joe "What's going on here?"

Colby "Her neck has been hurting her."

Kaylee "Thank you Colby. I gotta go."

Colby "No problem. Make sure you get that taken care of."

Joe "You are aware she has a husband right?"

Colby "Dude relax, I was helping her out. You know Kay, even if she's in pain she won't stop. Thought I could help her out."

Joe "Just making sure."

Colby putting his hand on Joe's shoulder "I'm not that kind of guy man."


Jon and Joe were signing autographs outside of the arena.

Jon "Thanks for coming out guys."

Girl "Dean wait."

Joe walked over to Kaylee

Kaylee "Looks like Jon forgot he has a wife and kid."

Joe "Nah, he's just playing it up. He's a performer."

Kaylee "Well he's one hell of a performer then. I'm out of here."

Joe "Dean, we gotta go man."

Girl "Dean stay."

Jon "Sorry ladies, I have a long drive to the next town."

Girl "Can I at least get a hug?"

Jon "Sure."

Girl whispering in Jon's ear "I'll see you again soon."

She gave him a kiss on the cheek. Joe pulled Jon so he can get away from the girl. Jon looked back at the girl as she smiled.

Joe "I can't believe you just let her kiss you."

Jon "It was on the cheek."

Joe "Bro, you know thats not right."

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