Chapter 54

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"Thank you so much for watching Pais. I left our number in case of anything." Kaylee said to Joe's mom

Jon kept staring at Kaylee as they walked back to the car

Kaylee "What? Why do you keep looking at me?"

Jon "You're just so damn beautiful."

Kaylee couldn't help but smile "Thanks babe."

Jon "How is it possible to be more in love with you now than I was before after all this time?"

Kaylee "You didnt love me that much before?"

Jon "You know what I mean. Im trying to be romantic and you always have to ruin it with a smart ass remark."

Kaylee laughed and stuck her tongue out at Jon

Jon "Thank you again for being you and for giving me my precious daughter."

Kaylee "You want to get laid tonight dont you?"

Jon "Damn right I do! Lets skip Joe's party and head straight to the hotel."

Kaylee "You want to skip your best friend's birthday just to get some?"

Jon "He'll understand."

Kaylee "Shut up and get in the car, we're already late."



This was Kaylee and Jon's first time going out together without Paisley in months.

Joe "Just in time."

Jon hugging Joe "Happy Birthday man."

Joe "Thought you two weren't going to make it. Everything good with my mom?"

Kaylee "Of course! Jon almost didnt want to leave her. Once your mom had her, he wanted to go back to the hotel and get it on."

Joe "Oh bro, why didnt you? I wouldn't have mind."

Jon to Kaylee "Told you!"

Joe "Well I'm glad you guys made it. The bar is over there. Relax and have a good time."

Kaylee and Jon hung out by the bar. Jon was standing there talking to Kaylee with his hand on her butt.

Jon moved in close and started kissing Kaylee's neck

"Jon, not here." Kaylee said giggling.

Jon "Oh like they dont know that we've had sex......... Hello Paisley?"

Kaylee "You're such a dork."

Jon continuing to whisper in Kaylee's ear "You look so fucking hot right now."

Then he squeeze her butt. Kaylee was turned on by Jon at this moment. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck.

Colby "Get a room you two! You look like a bunch of horny teenagers."

Kaylee bitting Jon's ear "Maybe we are."

Colby "I wanted to introduce you to Liz."

Liz "Nice to meet you."

Kaylee and Jon shook Liz's hand. After a few minutes Colby and Liz left Kaily and Jon alone

Joe "You two having a good time?"

Kaylee squeezing Jon's butt "Oh yeah."

Joe "Do you have your hand in his ass pocket?"

Jon "She sure does."

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