Chapter 28

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Stephanie needed an assistant until Summer Slam and asked Kaylee's cousin if she would be interested in the job. Tori said yes. Nobody knew Tori and Nick had been dating for a couple of weeks except for Joe. Although Joe swore off love he started to fall for Tori. When he found out Tori was still dating Nick he warned her that he was going to tell Kaylee if she didnt. Nick's attitude towards Kaylee had changed. He was always walking on eggshells with her because he felt so bad with the way things went down. He figured after two years she would be over it and start treating him differently but she didnt. He felt disrespected and was tired of it! He still had feelings, dating Tori was the perfect way to get back at Kaylee



Tori was getting ready in the bathroom when Kaylee asked if she can borrow Tori's phone while her phone was charging.

Kaylee was using Tori's phone to look up something. Forgetting she had Tori's phone, Kaylee opened a text message from Nick. It was a picture of Nick in front of a mirror naked with the caption "Cant wait to see you tonight beautiful." Kaylee thinking it was clearly a mistake looks at the rest of the text messages to discover that it was in fact meant for Tori. Tori had sent Nick a picture of herself in her bra and underwear with the caption "tonight." Kaylee was furious! She dropped Tori's phone on the bed and stormed out of the room.

Kaylee went to Nick's room and started banging on the door.

Kaylee "Nick! You better open this fucking door right now!"

Nick opened the door and said in a flirty voice "hey gorgeous."

Kaylee "cut the bullshit! Didnt I tell you to stay away from Tori?"

Nick "yeah, I did."

Kaylee "really? Then why the fuck did I just see a nude photo of you on her phone? I saw her text messages! Why are you such a prick?!"

Nick "don't you think she's too old for you to be snooping through her stuff?"

Kaylee " first of all I didnt snoop. I accidentally opened the text message."

Nick "whatever, she's a big girl."

"I don't care Nick! Stay the fuck away from her!" Kaylee said walking away from Nick

Nick following Kaylee said "like the way you stayed away from me after everybody warned you?"

Kaily stopped and turn to look at him in the face

Nick smirking "Oh, how quickly you forget that you were in the same shoes as Tori. Does she know about us? How about Jon? Does he know your little secret?"

Kaylee got in Nick's face

"You're a piece of shit Nick." Kaylee said as she slapped Nick

Nick whispering in Kaylee's ear "A piece of shit that got you pregnant."

Kaylee couldn't believe that Nick brought that up. She wanted to kill him!

Tori figured out that Kaylee saw her messages from Nick and ran to Nick's room. When Tori was down the hall she can hear arguing but didnt know what Nick and Kaylee said to each other.

Kaily walked right past Tori and bumped her

"Everybody has a secret Kaylee! You're no better than me sweetheart." Nick said to Kaylee as she walked away and blew a kiss at her



Tori walked in on Kaylee crying on the couch

Tori "Kay...... are you...."

Kaylee cutting Tori off "Didnt I tell you to stay away from him?"

Tori "yeah but....."

Kaylee "there is no but Tori! When I tell you something its for a reason!"

Tori "I don't care what the reason is. I'm an adult and can do what I want."

Kaylee "right there, that is the reason I treat you the way I do. Its that attitude, that you think just because you're 21 that you're smart enough to make adult decisions. You still act like a teenager! You are so naive Tori. You are easily influenced by boys that give you attention. You need to start using that head you have."

Tori "Well apparently I'm not that stupid if I'm going to be heading to medical school."

Kaylee "I never said you were stupid but you are extremely naive when it comes to boys."

Kaylee starts to cry "I just don't want you to do something thats going to effect you in the future, I don't want you to be like those dumb girls whose lives are ruined because a cute boy looked at them. You have a bright future ahead of you and I don't want anything or anyone screwing that up for you."

Tori felt awful seeing her cousin cry. She has never seen Kaylee cry before. Kaylee has always been the strong one. She knew she really hurt Kaylee.

"I'm sorry, I didnt mean to make you cry." Tori said hugging Kaylee

"Promise me that you won't see Nick anymore." Kaylee said looking at Tori

Tori not willing to break things off with Nick yet just nodded her head in agreement

Tori still liked Nick and even though she respects her cousin, she wasn't ready to give up Nick. Nobody had given her a good reason to end things with him. She felt she'll just tell Nick that the'll have to be careful. Keep their distance at least for the next couple of days.

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