Chapter 30

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Jon was face-timing the wedding ring designer

Jon "The ring is looking great! Thank you so much Shelli. See you in a few weeks to talk about the finishing touches."

Joe "Bro, she's going to freak when she see's the ring."

Jon "I hope so."

There was a knock on the door, it was Kaylee

Joe opening the door "Sup Kay?"

Kaylee "You boys ready for Sasha's party."

Jon "Do we have to go?"

Kaylee "Yes Jon we have to go."

Jon pulling Kaylee on his lap "Can't we just stay in the room and watch a movie or something?"

Joe "That's my que to leave, I'll see you two love birds downstairs."

Kaylee putting her boobs in Jon's face "Now that Joe's gone do you want to master these puppies?"

Jon "Dont do that."

Kaylee laughing "Why? It's funny."

Jon "Not coming from you."

Kaylee "What is going on with you?"

Jon "I just dont like when you say that. Im not proud of that part of my life, you're better than that."

Kaylee "I'm sorry, I didn't know it bothered you that much. Are you sure there is nothing else bothering you? You seem really bummed out lately."

Jon "I'm fine, a bit tired."

Kaylee sitting on Jon's lap and pushing back his hair with her hand "Let's stay for a bit at Sasha's house and we'll leave early, okay?"

Jon "Okay."

Kaylee puckering her lips "Kiss?"

Jon kissed Kaylee on the lips



Kaylee "Where is Tori?"

Joe "No idea."

Jon and Joe were still upset at Tori for what she said to both of them. Kaylee had no idea the two guys had a problem with Tori.

Tori walked downstairs

Kaylee "Where were you?"

Tori "I went to the bathroom and walked around."

Kaleey laughing "For a second I thought you were off with Nick somewhere."

Tori nervously laughing said "No way."

Jon and Joe looked at Tori when she said that and when she looked back at them she turned away.


Jon and Kaylee laughed as they watched Gabi pull Joe to the middle of the room to dance. Jon was feeling better so he and Kaylee joined Gabi and Joe.

Gabi happened to turn and see Nick and Tori dancing. She said "Oh shit" and started laughing. Kaylee noticed Gabi laughing and turned to see what she was looking at.

Kaylee looking at Tori and Nick dance "Oh fuck no!"

Kaylee started making her way over to Nick and Tori. Jon and Joe followed her.

Kaylee breaking up Nick and Tori's dancing

Kaylee "You guys are seriously joking right? This is prank because there's no way in hell this is happening."

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