Chapter 42

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Jon "I was thinking that maybe you can come out to the ring with me since this is practically your home town."

Kaylee "Really?"

Jon "Yes. This title is just as much yours as it is mine. You helped me get to where I am right now."

Kaylee "Babe, thats all you."

Jon "Please, lets continue to celebrate. Think of how cool it will be to look out into the crowd. Seeing the seats you would sit in for concerts and sporting events."

Kaylee "I guess I can do that.......fiancé."

Jon kissing Kaylee "God that sounds so good......say it again."

Kaylee whispering in Jon's ear "Fiancé."

Jon "Come on fiancé, lets go show Anaheim what you've been up to."

Jon and Kaylee held hands as the made their way to the ring. Kaylee was overwhelmed with the cheers and congratulation signs she saw.

After Jon opened Raw, he and Kaylee waited for Joe's match to end so they can meet Kaylee's family at the beach for a bon fire.



Kaylee and Jon hung around the fire with Kaylee's family. They spent an hour catching up on what happened over the summer. Jon asked Kaylee to go on a walk. He found a spot on the sand away from every. They sat there and watched the sun go down

As beautiful as the sunset was, Kaylee couldn't keep her eyes off of Jon

Jon "What?"

Kaylee "I'm so incredibly lucky to have you in my life. I can't wait to stare at your handsome face for the rest of my life."

Jon "As a kid all I ever wanted to escape reality. Now that I see what my reality is, I never want to leave."

Kaylee leaning on Jon "I love you Jon, more than you will ever know."

Jon "I love you too."

They stayed there together just watching the sunset both grateful for one another.



Kaylee "Tori is going to be so surprised when she sees you Joe."

Joe "Thanks for letting me tag along for your first thanksgiving as an engaged couple."

Kaylee "Joe, you're family too. You're dating my cousin for crying out loud."

Jon "Part of the deal with Kaylee was wherever I go, you go with me."

Kaylee "Yeah right, I would still bring Joe with or without you."

Jon tickling Kaylee "Oh really?"

Kaylee laughing "Jonathan! Stop it."

Joe watched the happy couple.

Kaylee had been engaged for 3 months and were heading to Tori's house for thanksgiving. Tori and Joe shared a kiss a few days Kaylee and Jon got engaged. Joe wasnt ready to make things official with Tori because oh his daughter.

They arrived at Tori's house.

Kaylee "You two stay here, I'm going to get Tori. Joe, hide!"

Kaylee rang the doorbell

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