Chapter 49

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Kaylee was four and a half months pregnant. She had not seen Jon in over a month. She was starting to show and was ready to tell Jon the great news.

Jon walking in the door and giving Kaylee a kiss "Hey babe."

Kaylee "How was your flight?"

Jon "Horrible. I just want to shower and sleep."

Kaylee "Before you shower Steph sent over some of the new merch and wants your opinion."

Jon "Can't I just look at it later? I'm exhausted."

Kaylee "It will only take a few minutes......please."

Jon "Fine, wheres the iPad?"

Kaylee "Its not on the iPad, she sent actual shirts."

Jon "So she already made them, then why does she need my approval?"

Kaylee "Damn it Jon, just sit there and let me show you."

Jon "Why are you so desperate for me to see these shirts?"

Kaylee "Just sit down."

Kaylee showed Jon a baby onesie that said "DA DA."

Jon "I didnt know we were selling baby clothes."

Kaylee "What do you think?"

Jon "I guess its cute."

Kaylee showing him another baby onesie "What about this one?"

"My daddy is the lunatic fringe."

Jon "Is their dad the lunatic fringe?"

Kaylee rolled her eyes at Jon.

Unzipping her jacket "I think you'll like this one.....I hope."

Kaylee opened her jacket to show Jon her shirt that said "Baby Ambrose" with an arrow pointing at her pregnant belly.

Jon paused for a second, it didnt click until he saw her belly.

"Are you serious?"Jon said standing up in tears

Kaylee crying "Yes baby, we're gonna have a baby."

Jon ran up to Kaylee and kissed her

Jon "How far along are you?"

Kaylee "4 and a half weeks."

Jon "Why didnt you tell me?"

Kaylee "I didnt want you to be disappointed if I had a miscarriage."

Jon "But you're good? The baby is good?"

Kaylee "Yes, we are both good. The doctor said the baby is healthy."

Jon got on his knees and wrapped his arms around Kaylee. He kissed her belly and talked to the baby.

Kaylee was so happy looking at Jon

Kaylee "We have a sonogram appointment tomorrow so you can hear the baby's heart beat."

Jon "Is it a boy or girl?"

Kaylee "I dont know yet. I wanted to have a gender reveal party the same day we tell everyone. What do you think?"

Jon "Whatever you want to do is okay with me."



Jon and Kaylee held hands walking into the doctor's office. Jon had a flash back to the last time they walked into the doctor's office holding hands. He began to panic, worried something might be wrong.

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