Chapter 39

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The wwe superstars arrived at the Mandalay Bay sports arena in Las Vegas. Jon asked Joe to meet him in Stephanie's office

Joe "What's going on?"

Jon "Well, I was talking to Steph and this Sunday at SummerSlam I will be proposing to Kay after my match."

Joe "You serious dog?"

Jon "Yeah."

Joe hugging Jon "I'm so happy for you."

Jon "I want you to be by my side when I do it."

Joe "Hell yeah man, I'm down!"

Steph "What are you going to do if Colby wins?"

Jon "He won't. And if for whatever reason he does, I'm still going to do it. I've waited too long and after this past summer, I dont want to waste anymore time."

Joe smiling "This is going to be epic!"

Jon "After wizard con, I'm going to ask her parents permission to marry her."

Joe "Are you going to tell Tori?"

Jon "Nope, nobody can know outside the three of us."

Joe "Tori thinks you're cheating on Kay."

Jon "I'm gonna need you to make sure Tori doesnt say anything to Kay."

Joe "I'll try but you know Tori."

Stephanie "Looking forward to Sunday, now get out of my office before the girls come looking for you both."


After Raw Kaylee, Joe and Tori took Jon to the airport so he can catch a flight to Sacramento for Wizard Con

Jon "This sucks, the one night we are in town I can't even spend the night in my own bed."

Tori "We'll try not to trash your house while you're gone."

Jon looking at Tori "Very funny."

Kaylee "Babe please call me when you land."

Jon "I will."

Kaylee kissing Jon "I love you."

Jon "I love you too. See you guys in a couple of days."



After his first day at Wizard con Jon met up with Shelli for dinner.

Jon "Thank you for coming out here and meeting up with me."

Shelli "I'm just glad that the proposal is still on."

Jon "Yeah sorry about that. There was a lot that happened over the summer."

Shelli "I won't have you wait any longer, here it is."

Jon opened the box with the ring in it. It was a beautiful round two carat diamond cradled in a tapered band with bead set diamonds that equaled half a carat. The ring was simple yet elegant. He spent $25,000 on it.

Shelli "Beautiful isn't it?"

Jon about to tear up "Have you ever had a guy get emotional looking at their future fiancé's engagement ring?"

Shelli laughing "It happens a lot believe it or not."

Jon "You did an amazing job Shelli, thank you."

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