Chapter 8

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Kaylee was getting dressed when she realized Jon wasn't in the room. She had completely forgotten what had happened last night. She called Joe to see if went back to the hotel

Kaylee on the phone with Joe "Hey, is Jon there?"

Just then Jon walked in.

Kaylee "Never mind I'll call you back."

Jon "Good morning."

Kaylee a bit confused why Jon seemed okay considering what happened with Renee

Kaylee "Good are you feeling?"

Jon "I'm surprisingly feeling okay."

Kaylee "I'm glad."

Jon "Guess what?"

Kaylee "What?"

Jon "Hunter called me earlier to tell me that I might get a chance at the title!"

Kaylee "Are you serious?"

Jon "Yup. That's why I left the room, I didnt want to wake you while I was on the phone. He said that he was proud and impressed by how far I've come especially from my Moxley days. I can't thank you enough for stopping me yesterday. If you weren't there, who knows what would have happened. I do know I wouldn't have had this opportunity thats for sure. I mean I know its not a for sure thing but the fact that they're considering me for it is pretty incredible. Last night and this morning have really put in perspective what I need to focus on and I have you to thank so thank you!"

Kaylee hugging Jon "I'm so happy for you Jon. And last night was all you."

Jon "Are you kidding me? If it was all me I'd probably be in jail."

Kaylee "I just gave you advice. You chose to take that advice. You're a lot stronger than you think Jon. You had the strength to walk away from that situation. Guess you do have a little bit of self control in you after all."

Jon "Whatever, I say it was all you and for that I'm taking you out to dinner as a thank you."

Kaylee "That's sweet of you Jon but you dont have to."

Jon looking Kaylee in the eyes "I dont care what you say I'm taking you to dinner, got it?"

Kaylee looking into Jon's blue eyes with a smile "Fine."

Jon "Great! You almost ready so we can pick up Joe?"

Kaylee "Yup, just getting my things together."

Kaylee and Jon left the hotel to pick up Joe so they can get on the road.



Jon did his best to avoid Renee. He had not seen or spoken to her since the day he caught her cheating on him.

Joe to Jon "You know you're going to have to talk to her right?"

Jon "I know, I just dont want to talk to her right now. I'm still pissed!"

Joe "I can imagine, you're hurt by her."

Jon "Honestly, I'm not even that hurt by it. Yeah it sucks but I'm really pissed that she made me look like a fool."

Joe "I guess you never really loved her then?"

Jon "I dont think I did. I think the great sex kept me around."

Joe "Wanna hear something crazy?"

Jon "What?"

Joe "Kaylee told me there was something about Renee she didnt trust."

Jon "When did she tell you that?"

Joe "A couple of weeks ago. Renee was standing by us and Kaylee could not hide her dislike for Renee. I asked her why she didnt like Renee, and Kay said there was sometime about her that she didnt trust. Kay said she felt Renee was fake and sneaky. Guess she was right."

Jon "Well Kaylee seems to be right about a lot of things. Seriously, if she wasn't there that night, I dont know what I would have done to that guy. I'm sure my career would be over!"

Joe "She is pretty wise. I'm just shocked that anyone was able to calm your crazy ass down."

Jon "I dont know how she did it. When someone tries to calm me down it pisses me the fuck off. It makes me want to punch that person. With her, there was a calmness and comfort in her voice that made me focus on what she was saying. You know how you hear things but dont actually listen? This time I listened, what she said made sense."

Joe "Damn bro, she sounds like the perfect girl for you."

Jon "Nah. I mean she's cute, funny, smart and cool as hell but the girl wants to wait until marriage. You know theres no way in hell I can do that. She's a good Christian girl, she would never go out with a guy like me. Lets face it, Im an asshole."

Joe "I think she would be great for you."

Jon "Girls are the last thing on my mind right now. I just want to work hard and get to the top. Relationships are not my thing anyway, I dont know why I even started one with Renee.............I gotta go, I'm up next."


After Jon's match Triple H went into the ring and announced that Dean Ambrose will be facing Seth Rollin's in a ladder match at Payback for a chance at the title.

When Jon was backstage he was stopped by Renee for an interview. He got into character and answered every question she asked about the future match. Once they yelled cut, Jon walked away

Renee chasing Jon "Baby, wait."

Jon turning around "Baby? Are your fucking kidding me right now?"

Renee "Jon, he didnt mean anything, I love you."

Jon "Really? Is that why you lied to me about being in New York and changed your name?"

Renee "I'm sorry, I didnt mean to hurt you."

Jon "Tell me one thing, did you really have an interview in Dallas or was it to hook up with that piece of shit."

Renee "I really did have an interview that first time. I met Alex at a restaurant after my interview. We started talking and........"

Jon cutting off Renee "I dont want to hear it Renee, you're a cheating bitch! We are done so dont try to contact me or anything, unless you want me to embarrass the shit out of you!"

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