Chapter 3

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Jon "I can't believe I'm going to be out for a three fucking months."

Renee "I'm sure you'll be back before then."

Jon "Where are you heading to now?"

Renee "Dallas, I have an interview  with one of the biggest stations there."

Jon "If you get the job, whats going to happen with us?"

Renee climbing on Jon "We'll just figure that out if we have to cross that bridge."

Renee kissed Jon's neck, and started moving down his chest then his abs. She unbuttoned his pants and went down on him.

Whenever Jon had questions about their relationship Renee tends to use sex to avoid talking about it.

Once Renee was finished, she continued packing her bags.

Jon "When will you be back?"

Renee "In a week, after my interview I have to head Tampa for smackdown. Don't worry, I'll be back soon. In the meantime try to avoid heavy lifting."

Jon was stuck in Vegas after he was injured two weeks ago on raw. The doctor's told him he will be out for two to three months."



Kaylee and Nick had been spending the past two weeks together. Kaylee was finding it really hard to keep her hands off of Nick. It seemed like everything he did turned her on.

Nick "After the show we're going to head back to my place right?"

Kaylee hesitating "I dont know."

Nick "Why?"

Kaylee "It doesn't seem like a good idea."

Nick getting close to Kaylee "Are you worried that we might do something you're not ready for?"

Kaylee nodding her head yes

"Kaylee, I promise I will never make you do anything you dont want to do." Nick said as he put a strand of Kaylee's hair behind her ear."

Kaylee "You're right, thank you."



Later that night Kaylee and Nick were watching a movie. Nick kept moving closer and closer to Kaylee. She can feel herself starting to freak out on the inside. She was afraid that if she kissed Nick, she might not be able to stop. Nick looked at Kaylee and smiled. A few minutes later he put his hand on her thigh. Kayla started to feel her heart race, she wanted to kiss Nick so bad.

Kayla couldn't take it anymore, she leaned in and kissed Nick. Two were making out on the couch. Kaylee was taken a back when Nick kissed her with tongue, she never had kissed like that before but she liked it.

Nick started kissing Kaylee's neck

Kaylee "Wait, Nick, I think we're moving too fast."

"We're just kissing, thats all" Nick said as he continued to kiss her neck.

Kayla knew if she didnt stop soon, she was going to end up having sex with him

Kaylee pushing Nick off "I think I better go."

Nick "A little kissing never hurt anyone."

Kaylee "I know.......its not you, its me. Please understand."

Nick "Well let me take you back to your hotel. I promise I won't try anything."

Kaylee "Thank you."

Nick laughing "Although, you were the one who kissed me."

Kaylee "Asshole."

Nick "You know you want to laugh."

Kaylee cracking a smile

Nick "There's that beautiful smile I like."

Kaylee "I hate you."

Nick "That's what they all say."

Nick took Kaylee back to her hotel. When Kaylee got in her room she couldn't sleep, she still had butterflies in her stomach from kissing Nick. 

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