Chapter 38

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Jon got off the elevator, paced back and forth in the hallway with his hands on his head.

Jon to himself "That fucking bitch! I knew she was fucking with me. Even though I'm not with her she still manages to suck the soul out of me. She's the fucking devil!"

Jon stopped and pulled out his phone, he sent a text to Shelli

"Shelli, its Jon. The proposal is back on, please have the ring ready when we meet up. Thank you."

Jon then called Stephanie "Hey Steph, listen, I want to know if I can do something at Summer Slam..........Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow."



Tori, Joe and Kaylee were going out to dinner while Jon stayed with his son.

The three walked into the hotel lobby where Jon, Renee and baby Jon were.

Kaylee to Tori and Joe "Can we please get out of here fast."

Jon to the three "Wait up!"

Kaylee "Yes Jon?"

Jon "I need you to come over here for a second."

Jon walked Kaylee over to Renee and Baby Jon

Jon to Renee "I want a paternity test."

Renee "What?"

Jon "You heard me, I want a paternity test."

Renee "Jon, this baby is yours. Remember how we would have sex all the time after we broke up."

Jon "Yeah yeah, I want a paternity test."

Renee "Why do you want one all of a sudden?" Renee pointing at Kaylee "Is it because of her."

Jon "Yes it is. She is my girlfriend, I love her and before our lives really change I want to make sure that he is mine."

Renee "This is ridiculous."

Jon "Its very simple Renee, I want a paternity test."

Renee "Fine, I'll set one up, happy? I can't believe you're doing this to your son."

Jon "No, I'll be setting up the test. I won't tell you where or when until I'm about to take the test."

Renee "You're kidding me right?"

Jon "Nope. And why dont you get a hold of Nick too, so he can take the test too."

Renee freaking out "Nick? What does Nick have to do with this?

Jon "Everything since he's Jon's father."

Renee realizing she's been caught "How did you know?"

Tori stepping in "I noticed your baby made a face just like Nick not to mention Nick is allergic to peanuts and you're not."

Renee "I'm allergic to peanuts."

Tori "No you're not. Remember when I gave you that snack yesterday? It had peanuts and seeing as nothing happened to you, that means you're not allergic."

Renee "You could have killed me!"

Tori "No I couldn't have because you're not allergic dummy."

Renee picking up baby Jon "I dont need this, I'm out of here."

Tori "Thats right bitch, get the stepping!"

Kaylee turned to Jon and kissed him

Jon "I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I love you and appreciate you standing by my side even though it was hard to do."

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