Chapter 9

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Kaylee and Jon were standing side by side at catering.

Jon "If I win tonight, we're hitting up the bar to celebrate."

Kaylee "Deal!"

Jon "When are you going to let me take you out to dinner. I still owe you."

Kaylee "Jon, I've told you, you dont have to take me to dinner."

Jon "Kaylee I've told you a million times, I know I dont have to but I want to."

Kaylee "Ugh, you're such a brat sometimes you know that?"

Jon smiling "I know, thats why I do it, to piss you off."

Kaylee and Jon had been spending the past two weeks together.

Jon getting up from the table "I gotta go prepare for my match. I'll see you later so we can celebrate."


Kaylee was getting ready to watch Jon's match when she was pulled into a dark corner. She had no idea what was going on.

Kaylee hitting Nick "Damn it Nick! You scared the shit out of me!"

Nick with his arms around Kaylee's waist "Sorry, I just had to see you and do this."

Nick started kissing Kaylee's neck. Kaylee couldn't resist Nick, she started making out with him. Nick slowly started moving his hands down from Kaylee's waist to her butt. She didnt stop him, she continued to kiss him. Her phone rang

Kaylee "Shit, its Joe, I gotta go."

Nick "What are you doing tonight?"

Kaylee "I dont know, I'll text you in a bit."

Nick "Looking forward to it."

Kaylee looked around before walking away from Nick. She had to hurry and meet Joe before he started asking her a lot of questions.

Kaylee fixing her hair "Hey, sorry, I was doing something."

Joe "You're just in time, the match is about to start."

Kaylee and Joe watched the match backstage.

Nick walked up from behind Kaylee "How's Jon doing?"

Joe "So far so good...........When did you get back?"

Nick "Today."

Kaylee was nervous, she didnt want Joe knowing about her and Nick

"Kaylee, nice to see you." Nick said as he winked at Kaylee

Kaylee "Hey."

Nick stayed for the entire match. Kaylee was praying the whole time that he didnt make anything obvious about their relationship.

Nick "Well, Jon is going to be pissed. I'll catch you guys later....Kaylee, always good seeing you."

Kaylee "Poor Jon."

Joe "Just let him cool off before talking to him, let him come to you."

Kaylee was worried Jon was going to freak out for losing to Colby. She saw Colby walk out from the curtain

Colby hugging "Kaylee! Did you see the match?"

Kaylee "I did, congratulations."

Colby "Thank you thank you. Next, kicking John Cena's ass for the title."

Jon saw Kaylee talking to Colby. Kaylee saw Jon looking at her. She didnt want Jon to feel like she was betraying him. She ignored Joe's advice about leaving Jon alone and ran after him

Kaylee "Jon! Wait up."

Jon "What do you want?"

Kaylee "Wow, thats rude."

Jon "Why aren't you with your best friend Colby?"

Kaylee "Because I want to be with my friend Jon right now."

Jon "Whatever."

Kaylee "Jon, you know you're my friend. I just wanted to congratulate him, thats all."

Jon "I can't believe I fucking lost to him, I had him!"

Kaylee "I know you did. You were amazing tonight! It just wasn't  your time today but dont sweat it, I know you're time will come soon, just wait."

Jon "I hope you're right........I need a beer. Lets go get a drink."

Kaylee "We can go, although you'll be drinking alone."

Jon "I forgot you dont drink."

Kaylee "Doesnt mean I can't buy you one. Hurry up and get ready so we can go."

Jon "I am going to let you buy me a drink since you won't let me take you to dinner."

Kaylee smiling

Kaylee texted Nick telling him she was going to hang out with Jon. 

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