Chapter 56

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Jon "I'm here to see Pamela Good."

Lady "Mr. Good?"

Jon "Yeah?"

Lady "My name is Doctor Robinson, I'm your mother's doctor."

Kaylee "How is she? What happened?

Doctor Robinson "Pam was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago."

Kaylee "Oh my God."

Doctor Robinson "She was receiving treatment and everything was going well until last week. She got an infection and her body is not strong enough to fight it off."

Jon "So what does that mean?"

Doctor Robinson taking a breath "I'm sorry Jon but your mom has a couple of days at most."

Jon "Oh."

Doctor Robinson putting her hand on Jon's shoulder "We did everything we could and we've been giving her something to keep her comfortable in the meantime."

Jon "Can I see her?"

Doctor Robinson "Sure. She may not respond but she can hear you."

Jon shaking the doctor's hand "Okay thank you."

Kaylee to Jon "Do you want me to go in with you?"

Jon "If you dont mind I'd like to see her by myself."

Kaylee "Of course babe, I'll be outside waiting for you."


Jon stayed by his mom side for 3 days and nights. Kaylee would tell him to go back to the hotel to rest but he refused to leave his mom's side. He was hoping that he'd get a response from her, anything.

Jon to Pam "This is typical Pam. When things are going well in my life, you just have to ruin it! Why do you hate me so much? What did I ever do you huh?"

"Answer me!" Jon shouted

Everyone at the nurse's station looked up. They called Kaylee to check on Jon

Kaylee walking into the room "Jon, whats going on?"

Jon "Nothing, I'm just telling Pam how she always does this to me. Gets me to trust her and then she leaves me."

Kaylee rubbing Jon's shoulder "I know you're hurting but this is not the time and place to be angry. Why dont you go for a walk or head back to the hotel and take a nap? I'll stay here."

Jon walked out of the room.

He returned a few hours later

Kaylee "You feeling better?"

Jon smiling "Yup."

Kaylee "Have you been drinking?"

Jon "Obviously.

Kaylee "Let's go back to the hotel, come on."

Jon "No! I want to stay with my lovely mother."

Kaylee "Jon, please."

Jon "Damn it Kaylee! I said no!"

Pam's monitors started going off

Jon "What's happening?"

"We have a code blue, code blue." Came on the hospital speaker

Nurses came rushing in

Jon "Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?"

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