Chapter 31

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Kaylee knocked on the door to Joe and Jon's room

Jon "What do you want?"

Kaylee "Can I come in?"

Jon opened the door and let Kaylee in the room.

Kaylee and Jon sat in silence for a few minutes. They both were trying to figure out what to say to one another

Kaylee "Jon....."

Jon "Why him?"

Kaylee "I dont know. He was hot, he gave me attention, I was an idiot."

Jon "Everything you said about waiting until marriage was all bullshit."

Kaylee "No, its not."

Jon "Then how could you have been so stupid to sleep with him."

Kaylee wiping her tears "I dont know."

Jon "How many other guys have you slept with huh?"

Kaylee "None, it was just him."

Jon "Are you sure in a few months I'm not going to find out about you sleeping with Colby?"

Kaylee "No, it was only Nick. When I started having feelings for you we stopped."

Jon standing up "Wait, you stopped? So you guys slept together more than once?"

Kaylee nodding her head yes.

Jon "Unbelievable!"

Kaylee "It didnt mean anything, it was just sex with Nick."

Jon "I feel like I dont even know you right now."

Kaylee "What about you? What happened in New Mexico?"

Jon "I didnt sleep with Renee thats for sure?"

Kaylee "So what? You just got your dick sucked is that it?"

Jon "Maybe I did, since you weren't doing it!"

Kaylee was hurt by what Jon said and walked towards the door "Fuck you Jon!"

Jon "You haven't done it yet."

Kaylee slammed the door as she left.


It had been a week since Sasha's house. Kaylee, Jon and Tori had not spoken to each other.

Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns had a tag team match against The Miz and Dolph Ziggler. Dolph didnt commit to a move causing Jon to drop him. Dolph was injured. Tori thought Jon injured Nick on purpose and started yelling at Kaylee saying Jon did it on purpose. As upset as Kaylee was at Jon, she knew he didnt do it on purpose and was upset that Tori would accuse hime of that.

Tori and Kaylee got into an argument, then Jon and Tori started to argue. Steph had to intervene.

Steph was tired surrounding all the wwe superstars and their personal lives. She threatened to make a no dating policy if this behavior continued.

All the wwe superstars had the weekend off before Payback. Steph was concerned about her friend's relationship so sent Kaylee to accompany Jon on his trip to wizard con hoping the two can work it out.



Kaylee and Jon barely spoke on the flight to Boston. When they got in the room they were sharing they continued to ignore each other until Kaylee asked Jon a question

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