Chapter 32

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Joe and Tori picked up Kaylee and Jon from the airport. Tori was happy to see that Jon and Kaylee were holding hands walking out of the airport.

Jon and Joe were at the gym working out

Joe "I'm assuming you took my advice? You two good now?"

Jon "We're trying, its still hard."

Joe "Your relationship is worth fighting for and its not going to be easy."

Kaylee was standing outside the gym door, she can hear Jon and Joe talking

Jon "I would be lying if I said that I dont see Kay differently now."

Joe "Why?"

Jon "I thought I was the lucky guy that was going to be the first and only she shared that part of herself with."

Joe "You can't be too hard on her. I'm sure she had the same thoughts when she thought about her future husband, that she'd be the only one he's ever been with."

Jon "I also thought that if she got pregnant, it would be with our kid."

Joe "That shit is in the past, dont even worry about that. If you spend time focusing on that you are setting yourself up to fail. Don't look for something that doesnt exist."

Jon "I'm just being honest."

Joe "I know you are but you really need to get that out of your head."

Kaylee started crying and walked away

Jon "You're right."

Joe "You both haven't been with anyone for two years, its going to be a new start and experience for both of you."


Jon went to Kaylee's room to see if she was ready for dinner. When he walked in he saw that she was in sweats and a t shirt. Her hair was up in a bun and it looked like she had been crying

Jon "Why aren't you ready?"

Kaylee "Because I'm not going anywhere."

Jon "Why not?"

Kaylee "I dont feel like going."

Jon "Kaylee, what is wrong?"

Kaylee "I dont think we should be with each other anymore."

Jon "Where is this coming from?"

Kaylee "I'm not a virgin like you thought I was. Its not fair for you to be with me. You weren't the first person to have me right?"

Jon "First of all dont say that. You are no one to be had, so please dont ever say that again."

Kaylee cutting him off "That's not what you told Joe."

Jon "I never said that, and I am sorry for what I did say. I should have come to you and talked to you."

Kaylee crying "I'm not sure how many more times I have to apologize to you. Do you think I like feeling this way?! I wish you were my first."

Jon hugging Kaylee "I know and I'm sorry, I never meant to make you feel like shit. It was me being an idiot. We both made mistakes in the past and I am so grateful that you would even considering marrying a guy like me. When we do get married, that first night together will be an incredible experience."

Kaylee "I hate myself right now."

Jon kissing Kaylee's forehead "Dont! Lets just move on from this and go to dinner, okay?"

Kaylee nodding her head yes.



Kaylee and Tori were backstage watching Nick be taken off in a stretcher after being injured in a match. Tori finally saw Nick's true colors and ended things with him for good.

The two cousins were watching a monitor, Seth Rollins was up next. He had been out with an injury. At the same time Jon and Joe passed by to see the girls before they headed out to the ring

Tori as she watched Seth Rollins entrance "Who is that?"

Kaylee "Dont even think about it."

Tori laughed "You have to admit he's kind of hot."

Joe laughing "Well before you think about pursuing him know Seth and your cousin dated for a bit, right Jon?"

Jon "Asshole."

Tori "Seriously Kay? Damn you a hoe!"

Kaily "Shut up! I'm not a hoe. Plus this was during the time I was still talking to Jon and he was playing games. Right Jon?"

Jon "I hate you all."

Everyone laughed


Colby had been hanging around Kaylee, Jon, Joe and Tori. Jon was not happy about it and hated that Kaylee wanted to hang out with Colby.


Colby, Jon, Tori, Joe and Kaylee all sat together at a booth at the bar. General conversation going on although Jon didnt really talk much.

Colby decided to walk over to the bar with Jon to get some drinks

Colby "Kaylee's cousin seems pretty cool."

Jon "Yeah"

Colby "Yeah? Well is she single?"

Jon "Don't you have a girlfriend?"

Colby "Sarah and I are on a break."

Jon "Well dont get any idea. Kaylee will not allow it."

Colby "I think Kay would be fine with it."

Jon "I said no!"

Colby "Damn, okay sorry man.......... It looks like you and Kay are still going strong, thats good."

Jon "Yeah."

Colby "Is that all you can say to me is yeah?"

Jon "What would you like me to say?"

Colby "I dont know man, anything. Dude we were bros."

Jon "Were is the key word in that sentence."

Colby "I'm sorry things went down the way that they did, I really am. And you dont have to worry about anything with Kay, were just good friends."

Jon getting in Colby's face "Don't mention Kaylee and stay away from Tori. Got that?"

Tori trying to break up the two "Whats going on here?"

Jon "Nothing, I'm out of here."

Jon made his way out of the bar and Kaily followed him, they headed back to the hotel.



Kaylee to Colby "Sorry about last night, you know how Jon can be."

Colby "I can't believe he hates me that much."

Kaylee "He doesnt hate you, trust me."

Colby "Kay, he hates me."

Kaylee "Jon loves hard. If you're someone he loves, which is rare by the way, he will love you hard. He would do anything for you and if he feels betrayed by you, you become public enemy number one."

Colby "Sure doesnt seem that way."

Kaylee "If he didnt care about he would have moved on. I told you, soon he'll come around."

Colby "I hope you're right."

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