Chapter 24

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Jon agreed to go with Kaylee, Joe, Joe's wife and a few other wwe superstars to a bar. He only agreed to go because Colby wasn't going to be there. Things between Kaylee and Jon were still a bit awkward.

Everyone was leaving the bar, getting into cabs

Kaylee to Joe "Where's Jon?"

Joe "I think he's still in there. I'll get him."

Kaylee "It's okay, I'll get him. You two go ahead."

Joe and his wife Gina, got in a cab and headed back to the hotel

Kaylee started walking back to the bar


When Jon exited the bathroom he noticed all his friends were gone. As he was walking out of the bar he heard a voice that he hadn't heard in years

Lady "Hello Jonathan"

Jon surprised and angry to hear that voice "What the fuck are you doing here Pam?"

Kaylee happened to get to the bar at the same time as Jon was approached by Pam. She can tell something was going on and stood behind Jon. He had no idea she was right there

Pam "Is that anyway to greet your mother?"

Kaylee to herself "Mother?" She knew Jon didnt have a good relationship with his mom or any family but didnt know why

Jon "Ha!"

Pam "I'll get straight to the point, I need $5,000."

Jon laughing "And what? You expect me to give it to you?"

Jon noticed a man standing by Pam "Who the fuck is this? Your new boyfriend?"

Man "You better watch your attitude boy!"

Jon "Yeah, whatever you say......... Pam, I'm not giving you shit, you're wasting your fucking time."

Man holding an envelope "I'm sure you'll reconsider once you know whats inside of this."

Jon "Whatever it is, I'm still not giving you money."

The man pulled out a paper and started reading from it "Dear God, I pray that you please bring my dad home. I miss him and wish we can be family again."

As the man read it, Jon started walking towards the man and clinched his fist. He punched the man in the face as he continued to read the paper. Kaylee ran over to pull him off the man before Jon killed the man

Kaylee "Jon! Stop! Please!" She managed to pull him off

Pam "Listen to your girlfriend Jon."

"I told you Pam this was a bad idea. Let's Go!" the man said as he walked back to his car

Pam "I have all the stuff from when you were a kid in here Jonathan, every letter, every drawing of a sad broken worthless little boy."

Kaylee "You are a sick woman!"

Pam "You seem like a good girl. If you think you can change my son, you are wasting your time sweetheart. He will cheat on you if he hasn't already just like he did with Renee and the rest of his girlfriends. I know everything about this guy."

Kaylee "Why are you doing this?"

Jon "Kay, dont bother with this monster."

Man "Pam! Get in the car now!"

Pam "You have until tomorrow morning to give me the money or else I will be releasing this."

Pam and the man left. Jon was furious! He was cussing as he made his way to the alley of the bar. Kaylee followed him. He kicked the trash and punched the wall. Kaylee stopped him before he caused further damage to his already bleeding knuckles. She watched as Jon leaned against the wall and slid down to the floor crying. Kaylee sat next to him and put her arm around him

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