Chapter 58

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Joe "Tomorrow we're hitting the gym. You're getting your ass handed to you out there bro."

Jon "I know I know."

Joe "What's going on man?"

Jon "Am I the only one who thinks its weird that Colby was with Kaylee the day Paisley fell?"

Joe "Not this again. I thought you moved on from that shit."

Jon "It just doesnt make sense."

Joe "So if I randomly showed up at your house you'd think I have a crush on Kay?"

Jon "You're Paisley's Godfather, your my brother, and you dated Kaylee's cousin, I'd be pissed if you didnt randomly pop up."

Joe "Jon! Colby is not interested in Kaylee. He's just a really good friend, thats it! Stop thinking about it and get some damn rest."



Kaylee was sitting at catering by herself

Colby "What are you doing by yourself?"

Kaylee "Just thinking."

Colby "You wanna talk about it?"

Kaylee "Not really."

Colby "That's okay, we can talk about something else. Where's Pais?"

Kaylee "I'm still really pissed at Jon. I know I shouldn't be and I should cut him some slack but its so hard. Does that make me a bitch?"

Colby "Of course not. You have every right to be angry or hurt at him. I think you two should sit down and talk things through."

Kaylee "If I try talking to him, he's going to feel like I'm attacking him."

Colby "It has to be done Kay. You dont want to resent him. Its not fair to either of you."

Kaylee "You're probably right. I feel bad because it seems like lately Ive come to you with all my problems. Joe is usually my go to guy but he's been busy with planning his wedding. I'm sorry about that but I appreciate you being there for me. And for Pais."

Colby putting his hand on Kaylee's hand "You've been an incredible friend to me so do not apologize for anything. Whenever you call I'll be there."

At that moment Joe passed by and saw Colby's hand on Kaylee's hand.

Joe approached Kaylee and Colby "What's going on here?"

Colby "We're just talking."

Joe looking at Kaylee "Okay."

Colby "I gotta get ready, I'll catch you guys later."

Joe "You and Colby have been spending a lot of time together lately."

Kaylee "You've been busy with the wedding, I dont want to add more stress to your life."

Joe "Kay, you will never add stress to my life I have told you that time and again."

Kaylee "I know, I just feel bad."

Joe "Is there something you need to talk about right now?"

Kaylee "No, but thanks."

Joe "Dont hesitate to let me know if you need anything."

Kaylee "Thank you Joe."


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