Chapter 14

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Kaylee asked Nick to meet her outside by the equipment trucks

Nick "Did you call me out here to get a quick one in?"

Kaylee "Eww no, listen.......I think we should keep our distance from each other, at least for a couple of weeks."

Nick "Why?"

Kaylee "Because Renee is telling people we make a cute couple and that we can't stop looking at each other."

Nick "She's just trying to start drama. She hates that you were better at dancing than her and lets face it, you are hotter than her."

Kaylee "Whatever the reason is I dont want people to find out about us."

Nick moving in closer to Kaylee "Maybe that won't be such a bad thing. I really like you Kaylee."

Kaylee "I like you too but I really dont want this to interfere with work. Please."

Nick "Fine. But can you least give me a kiss."

Kaylee "Of course."

The two kiss

Nick "If you start getting lonely at night, you know where to find me."



Joe to Kaylee "Do you need this towel?"

Kaylee "For what?"

Joe "To wipe that droll from your mouth. You haven't stopped staring at Jon since you got here."

Kaylee "I am not staring."

Joe "Yes you are....... Do you like Jon?"

Kaylee "No."

Joe "Yes you do, I can see it in your eyes."

Kaylee "I think he's hot. Ive always thought that."

Joe "Want me to get him to help you with your squats?"

Kaylee "No!"

Joe "I'm gonna call him over here."

Kaylee "Don't you dare."

Joe yelling "Jon"

Jon looked up. Joe gestured at Jon to come over to where he and Kaylee were at

Kaylee to Joe "I'm going to kill you."

Jon "What's up."

Joe "Can you help Kaylee squat with this bar? She's never done it before and is afraid of getting hurt."

Jon "Sure."

Jon stood behind Kaylee. He helped her carry the bar and had his hands on her waist as she would squat down.

Jon didnt see Joe laughing and pointing at Kaylee as she blushed when Jon put his hands on her waist.

Kaylee kept mouthing "I hate you" to Joe.

Jon "You got it now?"

Kaylee "Yes, thank you."

Jon "No problem."

Joe "Can you believe this girl doesnt even know how to properly lock up with someone."

Jon "Seriously? You've been here for months."

Joe "Guess you're going to have to teach her."

Jon "Guess I will. When we go to the performace center next week I'll show you some moves."

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