Chapter 46

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After years of drama, it was finally Kaylee and Jon's wedding day. Neither of them were able to sleep the night before because of their excitement. Kaylee sent Jon a text message

"Today I get to marry the man of my dreams! I love you baby and can't wait to be your wife."

Jon smiled as he read the text message and replied

"I promise I will be the husband you deserve. I love you Kaylee. T minus 7 hours."


As Kaylee and her bridesmaids were getting their hair styled Joe popped in to give Kaylee a gift from Jon

Joe handing Kaylee a box and a note "This is from Jon."

Kaylee "Give him a big kiss from me."

"Will do" Joe said as he walked out

Tori "What does the note say?"

Kaylee read the note out loud

"My dearest Kaylee, today is the day you become my wife. I've been waiting for this day since the moment I met you. I want to thank you for being my family and showing me what it is to love. I'm looking forward to the day we have tons of baby ambrose running around. Know that I will always love you."

All the bridesmaids wiped their tears as Kaylee read it.

Kaylee opened the box. It was a diamond cross necklace.

"It's so beautiful!" Kaylee said looking at it. She took off the one her dad gave her when she was a teenager and put on the one Jon gave her.


Joe returned to the room where all the groomsmen were getting ready.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Jon asked Joe as he stood in front of him

Joe "Remember, this is from Kaylee, not me. I mean I love you brother but not like that."

Jon "What the hell are you tal......."

Joe put his hands on Jon's faced, closed his eyes and gave Jon a big kiss.

All the groomsmen began laughing

Jon "Joe! What the hell?"

Joe laughing "I'm sorry, Kay wanted me to give you a big kiss."

Jon began laughing "You're such an idiot."

Joe "Alright boys, start heading out."

The groomsmen left the room.

Joe was adjusting Jon's tie and said "You have no idea how proud I am of you brother. I love seeing you happy. I told you always have faith and good things will come your way."

Jon "Thank you for being there for me. I know I can always count on you man, I love you."

There was a knock at the door

Joe walking to the door "Colby I told you..............oh."

Jon walking toward Joe "Who is it? Oh."

Jon nodding his head "It's okay, she can come in."

Joe "I'll be outside if you need me."

Jon "Thanks man."

Joe closed the door behind him

Jon "What are you doing here Pam?"

Pam "It's nice to see you too Jon."

Jon "Why are you here?"

Pam "I asked myself the same thing when I walked in the door."

Jon waiting for an answer "Well?"

Pam "I know I haven't been the best mother, or a mother at all to you but......I just felt like I couldn't miss this. I want you to know its not that I dont love you, I just know I can't be the mother you want, the mother you need. I can't guarantee that I will see or speak to you again tomorrow. I just hate popping in and out of your life like this. Thats why I didnt want to come in the first place,  it's not fair. If you want me to leave I will understand."

Jon "Kaylee paid for your trip and bought you that dress, it would be a waste of money if you left."

Pam taking a deep breath and straightening Jon's tie "You look very handsome son. I'm proud of the man you've become." She began to tear up "Kaylee is a lucky girl to have you."

Pam gave Jon a kiss on the cheek and walked out of the room.

Joe came back in the room and saw Jon sitting down wiping his tears.

Joe sitting next to Jon "You alright man?"

Jon "Yeah, just confused.......I mean at the end of the day she's my mother. I do love her but I also hate her."

Joe "She loves you and I think she proved that by showing up."

Jon "I guess."

Joe patting Jon on the back "Now cheer up and go marry your girl!"


Jon, along with the rest of the wedding party were standing at the alter waiting for the bride to make her entrance. Jon looked up and saw his mom take a seat in the back. They exchanged smiles.

The music began and everyone rose from their seats, the doors opened and Jon caught his first glimpse of his bride.

Kaylee looked at Jon and smiled as her father walked her down the aisle. Kaylee locked eyes with Jon all the way down the aisle

Jon can barely keep it together as he watched Kaylee. All he kept thinking about was how he was the luckiest man on the planet.

Once Kaylee made her way to the alter Jon took her hands, looked her in the eyes and said "You look stunning."

Kaylee "Thank you handsome."

Kaylee and Jon decided to write their own vows


"When I was a kid, I would pray for a man who would love all of me. Never in a million years did I think I'd be standing up here about to marry my WWE crush. I knew underneath those dark shades and bad ass attitude was a kind, gentle, loving, caring, intelligent and giving man.You were there for me when I was at my lowest. You continued to love me even when I let you down. I'll admit, there were times when I was wondering if this was real. Every mistake, every wrong turn, it seemed that every time I lost my way, you were there, right beside me to put me on the right path. All that drama has led me to this moment with you. You truly are a dream come true and you are my destiny. I love you Jonathan Good. I thank you for loving me."


"Growing up I had no idea what love was. What it was to love someone or have them love you back. I thought the least painful way to live life was to not care, to not put my hope into people because time and again they let me down. People think since I met you that I've changed. At first I agreed with them, I thought heres a girl that made me become someone I'm not. But then I sat back and realized this was always the person I was. I was just too afraid to show it. You made it okay for me to be me. You pulled me out of the darkness and showed me the light. You showed me how to love and how to be loved. I am forever grateful for the impact you have made on my life. I dont know what I did to deserve a smart, generous, strong, beautiful, funny, and thoughtful girl like you. I can't believe that l get to call you my wife for the rest of my life. I promise I will do my best to be worthy of you. I love you baby."

Pastor "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

Kaylee and Jon kissed. Everyone cheered

Pastor "Ladies and gentlemen please give a round of applause for mr and mrs Jonathan Good."

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