Chapter 51

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"Babe! I think something is wrong." Kaylee said waking up in the middle of the night

Jon "I'm gonna call 9 1 1."

Kaylee "Tell them to hurry."

Jon made the call to the emergency service. He tried his best to keep Kaylee as calm as possible.

Kaylee crying "What if something is wrong with the baby? Jon, we can't lose our daughter."

"We're not Kay. She's going to be fine, you're both going to be fine." Jon said trying to comfort Kaylee

Kaylee started hysterically crying which caused her to have a panic attack.

Trying to catch her breath "I.......cant...........breathe." Kaylee said

Jon put his hands on Kaylee's face and said "Kaylee, listen to me. I need you to look at me and listen to me."

Kaylee looked into Jon's blue eyes

Jon "You need to relax, for your sake and the baby's. I need you to be strong right now for our little girl. Can you do that?"

Kaylee continuing to cry "I dont think I can."

Jon "Kaylee, look at me. Look at me. Yes you can. You are the strongest woman I know. Our daughter is going to hear the story of how tough her mother was the night that things were getting hard. Okay?"

Kaylee started to calm down "Okay."

Their bedroom lit up with the lights from the ambulance outside their home.

Jon "They're here. Everything is going to be okay."

Kaylee nodding her head in agreement.

The paramedics took Kaylee's vitals and helped her onto a stretcher. As they were loading her onto the ambulance Jon said "I'm right here babe, I'm not going anywhere."


The paramedics rushed Kaylee into the hospital as she went into cardiac arrest.

The doctors and nurses asked Jon to wait in the waiting room while they exam Kaylee.

Jon made a phone call to Kaylee's mother and then Joe

Jon was hysterically crying that he couldn't get out a word

Joe "Jon? Hello? Jon?!"

Jon ""

Joe "Is Kaylee okay?"

Jon continued to cry

Joe "Jon, I need you to calm down so you can tell me whats going on."

Jon "She stopped breathing."

Joe "Kaylee?"

Jon "Yes. Joe please come."

Joe "I'm packing a bag right now and will catch the first flight out of here."

Jon "Joe?"

Joe "Yeah man?"

Jon "Pray for her and our little girl."

Joe "Of course bro. I'll be there as soon as I can."


Jon was pacing back and forth waiting for a word on Kaylee

Doctor "Mr. Good?"

Jon "How's she doing? Is she okay? How's the baby? When can I see here?"

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