Chapter 35

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Kaylee had been locked up in her hotel room for 3 days. Tori tried to distract Kaylee by telling her she had feelings for Joe. Kaylee said she knew that already, it was obvious.

Jon, Renee and baby Jon had been spending all day together. The 3 went to a local park. Renee loved seeing Jon with baby Jon. She felt it was only a matter of time before Jon would come crawling back to her.

Renee "I was thinking, when we get to L.A. for Summer Slam, we can take Jon to Disneyland."

Jon thinking about it "I dont know, I had plans to spend time with Kaylee's family."

Renee "You'll have plenty of time to do that. You can't miss out on your son's first Disneyland trip, can you?"

Jon was torn. He still wasn't sure if he was going to propose to Kaylee while they were in L.A. He knows he wants to marry Kaylee, he's just unsure if now is the time to pop the question. He has to make sure she is okay with having Jon in their lives.

Jon "I'll talk to Kay and see what she says."

Renee "Fine, but know I will be taking our son to Disneyland ."



Jon brought Kaylee some food because she had not  been eating. "I brought you you're favorite, chicken parm."

Kaylee "Thanks, just put it on the table, I'll eat it later."

Jon "Kay, please eat."

Kaylee got up and started eating.

Kaylee not really wanting to know anything that happened "How was the park?"

Jon "You sure you want to hear about it?"

Kaylee "If I didnt, why would I ask."

Jon "Okay...... well, it was pretty awesome. I pushed him on the swings and he could not stop laughing. I wish you can hear him laugh Kaylee, its the cutest thing in the world."

Kaylee's voice cracking "I bet it is."

Jon "Ummmmm so Renee wants to take Jon to Disneyland when we go to L.A. I told her that I was going to spend time with you and your family."

Kaylee getting up from the table "I think you should go. Theres plenty to do with him while you're out there."

Jon "But...."

Kaylee "Jon, its okay, just make your plans. I'm going to shower so if you dont mind."

Jon "You didnt even finish your food."

Kaylee "I'm not hungry."

Jon "Kay, please dont do this."

Kaylee "I'm not doing anything Jon, I just want to take a shower, thats it. You should go say goodnight to your son."

Jon as Kaylee slammed the bathroom door "Kay....."



Joe "How's she doing?"

Jon "Not good"

Joe "Tori is really worried about her."

Jon "I dont know what to do anymore."

Joe "You're not going to propose to her?"

Jon "Probably not for another few months."

Joe "Shit bro, do you think she'll wait that long?"

Jon "I hope so. I dont know how to feel. I mean on one hand I wish this never happened because it was just the two of us but now, I can't imagine not having Jon in my life. Its crazy how quickly you can fall in love."

Joe "All part of being a father. And to think you didnt want kids."

Jon "Kaylee made me see that i really want a family. Man this is really fucked up."

Joe "Get some rest, we'll try to figure something out in the morning."

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