Chapter 20

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Jon was trying his best to avoid Kaylee. He was upset with himself for sleeping with Renee again especially after Kaylee kissed him. Jon was standing around when he felt someone cover his eyes

Kaylee covering Jon's eyes "Guess who?"

Jon turing around "Hey."

Kaylee "I hope I didnt freak you out by kissing you last night."

Jon "You didnt."

Kaylee "Its just you didnt respond to any of my text and I feel like you've been avoiding me all day."

Jon "Sorry, I have a lot on my mind."

Kaylee "Well if you want to forget about your problems, maybe we can go to dinner after the show."

Jon "I'd like that."

Kaylee "Good luck on your match."


Kaylee was waiting by the monitor for Jon's match to start. She felt someone bump her behind

Kaylee "What the fuck Renee?"

Renee "I'm only going to say this once, stay away from Jon!"

Kaylee "I dont have to stay away from anyone."

Renee "He's never going to see you as anything other than his friend."

Kaylee "I really dont care Renee, he is my friend."

Renee "I warning you."

Kaylee "Warn me all you want. Unless Jon says he doesnt want to hang out with me I'm gonna continue seeing him."

Renee "Not if I have anything to do with it. We're getting back together."

Kaylee noticed a crowd starting to gather around the two of them

Kaylee "Woman you are insane, Jon would never go back to your skank ass."

Renee "Is that why we've been hooking up for the past few months?"

Kaylee "He's not that stupid."

Renee "After he walked you to your room last night he came over to my apartment. He showed me your text message, the one where you said you had a wonderful time."

Kaylee couldn't believe that Jon would do that to her.

Kaylee "You know what Renee, he's all yours. I'm not going to fight with you over a guy."

Kaylee was walking away when Renee pushed her. Kaylee got in Renee's face

Kaylee "Touch me one more time and you will be sorry. I'm not like you that needs to train with wrestlers, I will lay your ass out clean! Got it bitch?"

Kaylee walked away again and this time Renee pulled her back by her ponytail.

Renee "Get back here wetback."

Angry, Kaylee turned around and punched Renee in the face causing Renee to fall to the floor. Renee was bleeding from her nose.

Kaylee yelling at Renee and getting close to her "What did I tell you you stupid bitch!"

Joe pulled Kaylee away from Renee

Steph "Stop it! Danielle take Renee to see the doctor. Kaylee, get to my office now! And as for all of you who have their phones out, if you have video of what just happened I want your phone in my office immediately. If I find out any of you sent this video out, you will be fired! Do you all understand?"

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