Chapter 7

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Kaylee and Jon arrived at Kaylee's hotel.

Kaylee "Thanks again for the ride, I really appreciate it."

Jon getting off the car "No worries."

Kaylee "You dont have to walk me in."

Jon "I know but I want to. Plus Joe would probably kick my ass if I didnt."

Once they got to the elevator, Kaylee realized she lost her room key

Kaylee waiting for someone to assist her at the front desk "Jon, I appreciate you walking me in but this might take a while, you should probably head back."

Jon "It's okay, I dont mind."

Kaylee smiled. She couldn't believe how sweet Jon is. She happened to look over by the bar and saw a girl who looked a lot like Renee. She knew it couldn't be because Jon said Renee was in New York

Kaylee finally got her room key. She told Jon she can go to the room by herself but he insisted on walking her to her room.

They were making their way to the elevator when they heard a girl's laugh

Jon "That girl's laugh sounds a lot like Renee's laugh."

Kaylee had a feeling that Renee was not in New York. She quickly looked over to make sure it wasn't Renee. Jon happened to look at the exact time

Jon "What the fuck?"

Jon starts walking over to the girl who was making out with a guy. Kaylee knew she had to stop Jon from going over there.

Jon yelling "Renee! Renee!"

The girl looked at Jon with a surprised look on her face. It was in fact Renee.

Jon pulled the guy away from Renee "Get away from my girl!"

Guy "Jenny do you know this guy?"

Jon "Jenny? What the fuck is he talking about Renee?"

Jon started getting in Renee's face

Guy pushing Jon "You better back away from my girl."

Jon "Your girl?"

Kaylee got in the middle, she was trying to separate Jon from the guy. Security showed up telling Jon to calm down or they were going to call the cops.

Kaylee trying to push Jon back "Jon lets go."

Jon "No, I'm gonna kick this guy's ass!"

Kaylee continuing to push Jon back then eventually starts pulling him away. She assured security that she had Jon under control and said that calling the cops was unnecessary. Jon continued to yell threats at the guy and Renee.

Kaylee to Jon in the elevator "Jon! I need you to calm down."

Jon hitting the elevator "I'm not going to calm down!"

Kaylee was getting frustrated that Jon wouldn't stop cussing and wouldn't calm down. She knows that if she didnt stop him the hotel security was going to call the cops on him.

Kaylee stopping the elevating and yelling "Jon!!! Look at me."

Jon stopped and looked at Kaylee

Kaylee "I need you to look at me in the eyes. I know you're not a child and I'm not your mother but I need you to focus please!"

The one thing people know about Jon is you never try to calm him down while he's heated. It doesnt matter who are you, that only makes him more upset. But with Kaylee, he was under a spell. He stopped freaking out and looked Kaylee in the eyes like she asked

Kaylee "I know you're pissed off right now but I'm gonna need you to relax as much as possible. I dont want to get kicked out of this hotel and I dont want you getting arrested so please stop."

Jon nodded his head yes. Kaylee started the elevator back up

They got to Kaylee's door, once she opened it Jon started walking away.

Kaylee "Where do you think you're going?"

Jon "Back to my hotel."

Kaylee pushing Jon into her room "No you're not."

Jon "What are you doing?"

Kaylee "I'm not going to let you leave."

Jon "why not?"

Kaylee "Because you're pissed! I'm not going to let you drive while you're angry or do something stupid."

Jon "I won't do anything."

Kaylee "I'm sorry but I dont believe you. You're gonna try to find the guy."

Jon "So what if I do?"

Kaylee "I'm not going to let you risk your career over someone who doesnt deserve your time or energy."

Jon "He was with my girl! Thats enough for an ass beating. I dont care about anything else!"

Kaylee "Renee is not worth it! Don't be dumb."

Jon "She's not worth it? She's been my girlfriend for almost 3 years."

Kaylee "Yeah and look what she did to you! I'm telling you this because I like you and even though we've only known each other for a week...tops....I feel like you're my friend. This wasn't a mistake. This wasn't a one time thing. She has a relationship with that guy. Renee went out of her way to make sure he wouldn't know about you."

Jon "She wouldn't do that to me."

Kaylee "Jon! She did! He called her Jenny! Not to mention she told you she was in New York."

Jon "That's why she has been coming to Dallas, not for a job but for him. That bitch!"

Kaylee "Please dont be disrespectful although she totally does deserve to be called a bitch. How about I call her a bitch?"

Jon nodding his head yes

Kaylee "That bitch!!!"

Jon smiled

Kaylee "I'm sorry if it seems like I'm being mean or a bitch but I'm just looking out for you. I would hate to see you get arrested and ruin your career. You have worked too damn hard and have come so far to have it end that way. Plus, I happen to be a Dean Ambrose fan and I can speak on behalf of all the other fans when I say we would be crushed if you were not part of the wwe."

Jon "Thank You Kaylee"

Kaylee smiling at Jon "Go ahead and take the bed. I'll shut your phone off so you can get some rest, you have a match tomorrow. And I'll let Joe know you're staying here. We'll pick him up tomorrow morning. I dont want you waking him up while he feels sick."

Jon "I'll sleep on the floor, you dont have to give up your bed for me."

Kaylee "You're the star, you need proper sleep. I'm not going to responsible for Dean Ambrose having a shitty match because he slept on the floor."

Jon "Why are you being so nice to me?"

Kaylee "Because I know how much Joe loves. You're his brother and if anything happens to you, it will hurt him. Plus I like to think you and I are friends."

Jon "Thanks again."

Kaylee "Stop thanking me and go to sleep!"

Jon smiled again at Kaylee.

Jon fell asleep on Kaylee's bed while she slept on the sofa chair.

It was around 2:30 am when Jon got up and saw Kaylee looking uncomfortable sleeping on the chair. He woke her up and walked her over to the bed. He knew Kaylee had conservative values and didnt want to make her feel uncomfortable so he put up a little barrier between them with pillows. Once Kaylee got on the bed she fell to sleep. Jon was having trouble going back to sleep.

Kaylee removed the barrier and put her hand on Jon's. He couldn't hep but think how beautiful she looked sleeping. He felt so comfortable around her. Jon decided not to move her hand from his. Once Kaylee was on the bed with him, he forgot about Renee and went to sleep with a smile on his face knowing Kaylee was right by his side.

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