Chapter 47

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As Kaylee and Jon were walking down the aisle as a married couple Jon saw his mom standing off to the side. They both smiled at each and knew they probably wouldn't see each again for years.

After all the wedding photos were taken, Kaylee and Jon decided to spend a few minutes alone to sit back and soak it all in.

Kaylee "Babe! We did it! We're married!"

Jon "I'm still trying to figure out how I got so damn lucky."

Kaylee smiled at Jon

Jon "I'm glad my mom was here to see it."

Kaylee "Pam is here?"

Jon "She left right after we walked down the aisle."

Kaylee "How did it feel seeing her?"

Jon "At first I didnt want her here but now that I'm thinking about it I'm happy she did. She can never stick around, its not her thing. I know she likes you a lot and wanted me to give you a big hug."

Kaylee "That's sweet of her."

Jon "Ready for the reception?"

Kaylee "Just a couple of more minutes. I was to just sit here with you and take it all in."


Jon and Kaylee shared their first dance together as husband and wife to Rascal Flatts "Bless the Broken Road."

Everyone there was having a great time drinking and dancing. Towards the end of the reception as Jon and Kaylee were dancing close Jon started to whisper into Kaylee's ear

Jon "I can't wait to explore your body after this."

"You promise?" Kaylee asked as her face lit up

Jon "Oh yeah baby, I hope you're ready for it."

Kaylee "Would it be rude if we left right now."

Jon "Just one more hour of this and I'm all yours."

Kaylee "This may be the longest hour of my life."

Jon laughing "Be patient, theres no rush. I want to make sure we do everything right."

Kaylee "Seriously Jon you're making it impossible for me to not jump on you right now."

Jon kept laughing knowing it was driving Kaylee crazy. She wanted Jon so bad and it was killing her to have to wait.


It was the moment both Kaylee and Jon had been waiting for, the "wedding night."

Kaylee was nervous as she fumbled over Jon's buttons on his shirt. Jon put his hands on Kaylee's hands, looked her in the eyes and smiled. It was that look that made Kaylee at ease. She smiled back at him and began to slowly unbutton his shirt. Jon unzipped her wedding dress and helped her out of it. Kaylee was in her bra and panties as Jon looked her up and down. He held her hand and walked her over to the bed.

Kaylee was laying on her back on the bed, Jon was on top of her and the two were kissing. They interlocked their fingers and kissed.

Jon started kissing her neck, then her breast. He made his way down to her belly button and slowly ran his hand up her inner thigh. Kaylee tilted her head back and closed her eyes, She was trying to get ready for whatever Jon was going to do to her. He took off her panties and kissed her inner thigh. Kaylee thought to herself "he really is exploring my body." As Jon was pleasuring Kaylee, she couldn't help but stick her nails into her back as she moaned. The more he felt her nails in his back the more he tried to please her. Every moan, every scratch, and every hair pull was a clear indication that Kaylee was enjoying every minute of what Jon was doing to her.

The newlyweds didnt sleep that night. They spent a good part of the night making love and the other half talking.

They finally fell asleep at 8 am. Their alarm went off at 10am to remind them about brunch with the family. Jon quickly shut the alarm off so Kaylee can get some sleep. He kissed her on the forehead before making his way to the shower.

Kaylee opened her eyes and watched Jon walk to the bathroom naked

Kaylee "Damn! Look at that Ambooty."

Jon turned around and laugh

Kaylee wanted to return the favor to Jon by making sure she pleasured him. She opened the shower door as Jon was washing his hair

Jon excited "What are you doing?"

Kaylee "Just shut up and enjoy."

Kaylee got on her knees and began to give Jon oral sex. Jon has had plenty from many girls but never have been even close to what Kaylee was doing. He was enjoying it so much that he did something he's never done or even knew he could do was moan out loud. Like Jon, Kaylee heard that and tried her best to make every second better than the last.

After a couple of hours of sex, the couple finally headed down to brunch with their family and friends.

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