Chapter 40

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Jon, Kaylee, Tori and Joe arrived at the staple center early to prepare for the event. Jon and Joe were hanging out in Stephanie's office

Joe "Did you get any sleep last night."

Jon "Nope. I can't remember ever being this nervous."

Joe "What are you nervous about? She's going to say yes."

Jon "You never know, she can change her mind."

Joe "Trust me dog, she's not changing her mind. What time is Shelli getting here with the ring?"

Jon "In 2 hours."

Joe "I can't wait to see the rings."

Stephanie walked in "Jon, how are you feeling?"

Jon "Nervous."

Stephanie "Don't be, you are the love of her life, she's been waiting for this day, I know that for sure."

Jon "If you both are wrong I will kick some serious ass."

Joe "You should probably start mentally preparing for your match."

Stephanie "He's right, you have a big day today so try to relax."


While Jon was mentally preparing for his match, Joe wanted to spend some time with Kaylee

Kaylee "Why do you keep staring at me?"

Joe "I'm just happy for you."

Kaylee "Why?"

Joe "Because you're back home, you're going to see your family, your man is most likely going to become the next wwe champion and all that drama is behind you."

Kaylee "I do feel a bit relieved but still anxious about Jon's match."

Colby passed by

Colby to Joe "Whats up man?"

Joe "Nothing much, you?"

Colby "Nothing, you ask Tori out yet?"

Joe "Nah"

Colby "Kaylee, tell him to stop being an idiot."

Kaylee "Stop being an idiot Joe."

Colby to Kaylee "You know you're my girl but I'm gonna have to kick your boyfriend's ass right?"

Kaylee "We'll see."

Colby gave Kaylee a kiss on the cheek and walked away

Jon watched from a distance as that happened. Kaylee wiped her face and said "Ewww"

Seeing that only fueled Jon more for his match.


Jon received a text that Shelli was on her way to the arena. He asked one of the interns to go get him a bouquet of flowers so he can give to her.

Tori was over by guest check in when she heard a lady giving her name

Lady "Hi, My name is Shelli Cooper, I'm here to see Jonathan Good/ Dean Amborse."

Tori ran over to the lady, before she can say anything she felt someone's arm around her, turning her around into a different direction, it was Joe.

Tori "Joe! What are you doing?"

Joe "Steph is looking for you."

Tori "Joe! You're really pissing me off! You know I know that's Shelli. I need to find out what she is doing here."

Joe "Victoria, Steph really needs to talk to you."

Tori walked into Steph's office with Joe

Tori "Steph, you were looking for me?"

Steph "No." Just then she saw Joe's face as he mouthed "yes"

Steph "I'm mean yes. Come on in."

Steph thanked Tori for her help and said she's welcomed back anytime.

Tori left Steph's office and went searching for Shelli.


Jon to Shelli "Thank you for coming."

Shelli "What an exciting day for you!"

Jon "I've never been so nervous in my entire life."

Shelli "She's gonna love this ring and I know she loves you."

Shell showed Jon the ring again "Looks good?"

Jon smiling "Incredible. I can't thank you enough for all your help."

Shelli "That's my job, to make people happy."

Jon handing Shelli the flowers "These are for you as a thank you."

Shelli "Jon, you didnt have to but thank you. Good luck tonight and I wish you two a life time of happiness."

Tori saw Jon with a bouquet of flowers. She watched as Jon gave Shelli a kiss on the cheek and handed them to her.

Kaylee "Tor, what are you looking at?"

Tori blocking Kaylee's view, "Nothing, come on lets get something to eat."


Jon was in the locker room getting ready for his match. He heard a knock on the door and quickly hid the ring under a shirt.

Kaylee walking in "Is it okay that I come in?"

Jon "Of course babe."

Kaylee "I dont think I've ever seen you this nervous."

Jon "Just a lot riding on tonight thats all."

Kaylee sitting on Jon's lap "I just wanted how happy I am for you. You've come so far and I am so incredibly proud of you. I know you will kick ass out there! I love you."

Jon trying not to cry "Thank you. I dont mean to be rude but I have to get my head in the game right now."

Kaylee giving Jon a kiss on the lips "I'll see you after the match champ."

Jon smiled as she walked out


Tori to herself "This fucker."

Joe saw Tori and blocked her from confronting Jon. Jon left without seeing what was going on between Joe and Tori

Tori "Joe, I'm two seconds away from punching you in the face."

Joe "If that will make you feel better, do it."

Tori "Why won't you let me confront Jon?! I saw him with Shelli!"

Joe "Victoria, right now is not the time."

Tori "Then when is the time?"

Joe "Jon will talk to you after his match, just please Victoria back off."

Tori "Then I'm gonna tell Kaylee."

Joe "She doesn't need to stress right now, please Victoria I'm telling you to let this go."

Tori "Is Jon cheating on Kaylee?"

Joe "We'll talk about this after."

Tori "Why won't you give me a straight answer."

Joe "Please Victoria, this is very important for Jon, his whole career and life depends on this match. He may never get this opportunity again. Kaylee will be very upset if she found out you messed with Jon's focus."

Tori "She's gonna be pissed if Jon's cheating on her thats for damn sure."

Kaylee walked up "Hey Tor, you ready for the match? Steph saved us front row seats for Jon's match. Lets hurry."

Tori in Joe's ear "If I find out Jon is cheating on her, you will be sorry, I will never talk to you again!"

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