Chapter 21

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Stephanie reviewed all the footage people recorded on their phones and determined Renee was at fault. Renee was fired for fighting and using a racial slur. Kaylee was spending her suspension at Matt's apartment since he was out with an injury.

Joe "Kay comes back in a few days, have you two talked?"

Jon "No. I dont know if she'll ever talk to me again."

Joe "Bro, she cares about you a lot, of course she'll talk to you."

Nattie walked up to the two

Nattie "Have you guys been keeping up with Kaylee and Matt's instagram?"

Joe "No."

Nattie "They are so funny, look at their videos."

Kaylee and Matt made an instagram account posting videos of them singing and dancing to 90's music

Jon couldn't help but get jealous at Matt being so close to Kaylee. He was upset when he saw the video of them singing "Quit Playing Games with my Heart" and "I'll Never Break your Heart" by the Backstreet Boys. Jon hated that they used the hash tag 90's couple at the end of every video.

Joe "They're such nerds."

Jon walking away "Whatever."

Joe "I think someone is jealous."

Nattie "He know's Kay and Matt are just friends right?"

Joe "Yeah but that won't stop him from being jealous."


When Kaylee returned back to work she had little contact with Jon.

Joe "When are you going to put that kid out of his misery?"

Kaylee "I'm not doing anything wrong."

Joe "You know you're pissing him off by not talking to him."

Kaylee "I do talk to him, I'm just not ready to be buddies with him."

Joe "You know he didnt mean to hurt you."

Kaylee "And I dont mean to hurt him."

Joe "Just think about it."


That weekend was Nattie's birthday party at her house.

Nattie "As a birthday present I would love for Matt and Kaylee to perform an Nsync song."

Everyone at the party cheered for Kaylee and Matt to perform. When they were standing in front of everyone Kaylee noticed Jon rolling his eyes. Kaylee didnt like that he did that so she made sure to be extra flirty with Matt to piss off Jon. After they performed Matt went to get a beer. Jon was standing right by the drinks

Matt to Jon "What did you think of our performance? Pretty sick huh?"

Jon "It was ridiculous. You're an adult man dancing to a boy band."

Matt "Damn broski, you dont have to be so mean about it."

Jon "I'm not you're broski, now leave me alone"

Matt handing Jon a drink "You need another drink to relax you."

"Stop being so fucking annoying." Jon said as he slapped the drink out of Matt's hand

Matt getting close to Jon "Seriously bro."

Jon pushing Matt "Seriously bro? I told your ass to leave me alone."

Kaylee got in the middle of the two. Joe ran over to pull Jon away

Kaylee to Jon "What the hell was that for Jon?"

Jon "I told him to leave me alone."

Matt "I didntt do anything to you bro."

Jon "Yeah you did, you annoyed the shit out of me."

Kaylee "That was uncalled for and you know it Jon."

Joe can tell Jon was getting angry

"Come on man, lets go." Joe said pulling Jon away

Jon "This party was lame anyway."

Joe "You need to calm down Jon. You're going to piss everyone off."

Jon "Do you think I give a fuck what any of these people think?"

Joe took Jon back to the hotel before he can say to do anything that he might regret.



Steph "Jon, can I see you in my office please."

Jon walked into Steph's office and sat down

Steph "I heard there was an incident between you and Matt at Nattie's house this past weekend. Care to explain?"

Jon "I told him to leave me alone, he didnt so I shoved him."

Steph "You know that is unacceptable. I dont care how annoying Matt is, you had no right to lay your hands on him. I'm letting you off with a warning this time. I hope I dont have to have this conversation with you again."

Jon rolling his eyes "Yes boss."

Steph "Good, now get out of here."

Joe "What did she want?"

Jon "To tell me Kaylee's boyfriend is a little bitch!"

Joe "Yo, dont talk shit about Matt, you know he's a cool dude."

Jon "We both know how annoying he can be with his woo woo woo and broski shit."

Joe "I know but he's a good dude."

Jon "Whose side are you on?"

Joe "You know I will always be on your side but I'm also gonna call you out on your shit."

While Jon and Joe were talking Kaylee and Colby passed by

Jon "She's doing that shit on purpose right?"

Joe "She is friends with him too."

Jon "After the show we're going to a bar to get drunk."

Joe "You can do that if you want, I gotta be up and ready early tomorrow morning."

Jon "Nice to know I can count of you."

Joe "Don't tell me you're mad at me because I won't get drunk with you."

Jon "I'll ask Nick, I know he'll be up for getting drunk and banging ugly chicks."

Joe "Hope you dont do anything that you're gonna regret later."

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