Chapter 52

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"Is that everything?" Kaylee asked Jon as he loaded up the car to head to the airport

Jon "Yup."

Kaylee kissing Jon "Call me as soon as you land."

Jon gave Paisley and Kaylee a kiss and got into the car.

Jon watched Kaylee and Paisley outside as he drove off. It broke his heart to leave them and asked the driver to turn back around.

Kaylee "Jon, what are you doing?"

Jon "I dont think I can do this. I'm gonna call Steph and tell her I want out of my contract."

Kaylee "You can't do that."

Jon "Yes I can. We dont need that much money."

Kaylee "It's not about the money. You have an obligation, people are counting on you. Your fans that have been with you since the beginning are counting on you."

Jon "But my daughter needs me more. I know what its like to not have a father around. What if she forgets about me?"

Kaylee "She's not going to forget about her daddy. She's too young to even realize whats going on. You're working for her future. Once she gets older we'll figure something out."

Jon "I'm not going."

Kaylee "Jon, you have to. Trust me I wish you can stay here with us but this is your job."

Jon "I'll be gone for a month."

Kaylee "I know. It's nothing new to me."

Jon "It is to Pais."

Kaylee "She'll be fine. Now hurry before you miss your flight."

Jon "I'll FaceTime you as soon as I get to the airport."

Jon got in the car and went to the airport.


It was Jon's first time back at Monday Night Raw in months. Kaylee watched at home with Paisley

Kaylee clapping Paisley's hands "Yay Daddy"

As Kaylee watched she can tell Jon was distracted. He wasn't fighting like himself.

Within a few minutes Jon was injured in the match

"Get up Jon. Come on." Kaylee said to the tv

Jon was taken to the back by the medical team. Kaylee anxiously waited to hear if he was okay.


Stephanie asking the doctor about Jon "How is he?"

Doctor "He's fine, just a bump on the head. His leg is fine. He just took a hit to it but thats it. Nothing is broken or sprained. He's cleared to fight tomorrow."

Stephanie "Well that's good."

Jon "Damn, I was hoping it was something serious."

Stephanie "Jon, why would you say something like that?"

Jon "Because I dont know if I can be away from my girls for that long."

Stephanie "We'll figure something out. I just really need you to give me your all for the next month. Okay?"

Jon "Yeah."

Stephanie "You should give Kay a call to let her know you're okay. She had texted me asking about you."

Jon spoke to Kaylee and let her know he was fine.


Jon "Nikki can I talk to you for a second?"

Nikki "Yes?"

Jon "I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted when you were at my house."

Nikki "Its okay."

Jon "No its not, I should have never spoken to you that way."

Nikki saw her boyfriend John Cena approaching. She didnt want him to know that she had been gossiping again.

Nikki "Jon, really its fine."

Jon "So we're good?"

Nikki "Yes."

John "Whats going on?"

Jon "I was just apologizing for the way I snapped at Nikki a couple of weeks ago."

John "Oh, well I'm glad you got that settled."

Jon "I'll see you two later."

Jon realized he had left his phone on the table he was standing next to. On his way back he overheard John and Nikki talking

John "Why did he snap at you?"

Nikki "It was nothing."

John "Nicole!"

Nikki "I asked Kay who bought her this beautiful flower arrangement. She told us they were from Colby. Brie and I started laughing and we mentioned that Bryan said that Colby had feelings for Kay. I know Bryan told you as well. Anyway so I mentioned that if things didnt work out with Jon,  Kay can marry Colby. I said that I'm surprised Jon hasn't cheated on her. He walked in and asked who we were talking about. I told him and he got really upset."

John "Why do you always have to open your mouth? Do you know how that makes me look?"

Nikki "I'm sorry."

John "Did you mention the Colby thing to Jon?"

Nikki "No, I swear."

John "Don't bring it up again! And please keep your mouth shut."

Jon was furious when he heard that Colby has feelings for Kaylee. He stormed off, heading to the back of the arena. Along the way he saw Colby

Colby "Jon! How's Paisley?"

Jon wanted to punch Colby in the face but saw Stephanie and walked away.

Colby to Joe "What was that about?"

Joe "I dont know man, I'll go find out."

Joe found Jon in the back of the arena kicking a trash can

Joe "Jon, what the hell is going on?"

Jon "I knew I couldn't trust him! I can't believe he was one of my groomsmen! He's a fucking snake, he always has been."

Joe "Who?"

Jon "Colby!"

Joe "What did he do?"

Jon "He's trying to make a move on Kaylee!"

Joe "What?!"

Jon "He wants to be with her!"

Joe "Who told you this?"

Jon "He told Bryan!"

Joe "And Bryan told you?"

Jon "No, I heard Nikki telling John."

Joe "You know Nikki likes to talk shit."

Jon "Bryan also told John. They have no reason to make that shit up."

Joe "Do you want me to talk to Colby? To get to the bottom of this?"

Jon "No!"

Joe "Jon, until you know for sure, you can't freak out."

"You're right." Jon said and then walked away

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