Chapter 13

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Kaylee. Jon, Joe and Matt went to the park to play basketball

Jon "How are we picking teams?"

Kaylee "Its not like we have many options."

Jon "Ha Ha very funny, you know what I mean."

Joe "I'll take Kaylee."

Matt "Let's do this Jon."

Kaylee was warming up as Jon watched

Jon "Matt we got this."

Jon to Kaylee "Let me show you how to shoot."

Kaylee was laughing inside as Jon was teaching her how to shoot

Jon "I'm kind of surprise you're in baggy basketball shorts."

Kaylee "Why?"

Jon "Because most girls would try to look cute and wear short shorts or yoga pants."

Kaylee "So you're saying I dont look cute?"

Jon "No, thats not what I'm saying at all."

Kaylee "Dude I'm just messing with you. And I'm not doing yoga so yeah I'm going to wear basketball shorts."

Joe "Kay you take out the ball."

Matt "Jon, you cover Kaylee."

Kaylee and Jon walked to the top of the key of the court.

Jon "It's just most girls won't do that you know?"

Kaylee dribbling the ball "Jon, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret."

Jon was in a shuffling position with his legs apart and squatting down.

Jon "What?"

Kaylee got closer, still dribbling the ball. Kaylee leaned in and whispered into Jon's ear "I'm not like most girls."

At that moment Kaylee passed the ball through Jon's leg, catching it and making a lay up.

Jon looking in disbelief said to himself "No you are not."

Joe and Matt started laughing

Joe "Oh shit Jon! She just schooled your ass."

Kaylee smiled at Jon "Oh I forgot to mention I played basketball from the time I was five until I was seventeen."

Jon "You made me believe you sucked at basketball."

Kaylee "You assumed that. I was just messing around."

Jon "Wow."

Jon was starting to admit to himself that he has feelings for Kaylee.

After the game they were standing around talking

Joe "Damn Kay, we killed them!"

Joe and Kaylee gave each other a high five

"Dude, you suck." Jon said to Matt

Matt "Bro, you got your ass handed to you by a girl."

Kaylee "Hey!"

Joe "So Kay, I heard you're going to pole dancing class with the other girls, is that true?"

Jon "What?"

Kaylee "I dont know. I dont want to go but Nattie keeps on bugging me about going. I almost feel like I should go because I haven't really hung out with any of the girls from work. Kind of makes me look like a bitch."

Jon "Whose idea was it to take a pole dancing class?"

Kaylee "I think Renee."

Jon "Of course it was."

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