Chapter 36

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It was two weeks before SummerSlam.

Tori was walking around when she saw Renee, Jon and their son. Tori tried to walk away but it was too late, Jon saw her.

Jon to Tori "Tori, come meet my son."

Tori was hoping she wouldn't have to meet his son at least not before Kaylee

Tori walked over to Jon. Right when she got there Renee stuck her hand out and said "Hi, I'm Renee."

Tori just looked at her.

Jon to Tori "This is my son Jon."

Tori "Really? Couldn't come up with a different name?"

Renee "I wanted him to be named after his daddy."

Tori under her breath "If thats even his daddy."

Renee "What was that?"

Tori "Nothing.....he's cute."

Renee "Cute like his daddy."

Tori rolled her eyes at Renee

Tori "No offense Jon but he doesn't look like you?"

Renee "Excuse me? How can you say that? He has Jon's blue eyes and blonde hair."

Tori "Well you have blonde hair and blues eyes, so do a lot of other white people."

Renee "What are you trying to say?"

Tori "I'm saying he doesn't look Jon. Doesn't mean the kid can't be his. I just simply stated that they dont look alike."

Jon to Tori "Tori thats enough."

Tori "What? I'm being honest......whatever, I'm out of here.

Tori started walking away but couldn't resist going back to tell her something.

Tori to Renee "Just remember something honey, Jon is with my cousin now, so I better not catch you trying anything with Jon, Got it? I wouldn't want to have to kick your ass in front of your kid."

Renee stood there with her mouth open.

Jon running after Tori

Jon to Tori "What the hell was that about?"

Tori "I had to let her know that if she tries anything I will beat her ass!"

Jon "Dont be ridiculous, she knows I'm with Kaylee and we both agreed that we will have communication because of Jon."

Tori "Jon, she already thinks you're a family, its only a matter of time before she starts trying to make a move on you. And what makes you so sure its yours? I mean I heard she was a pro hoe."

Jon "Hey! The is the mother of my child."

Tori "Is it? I'm telling you Jon, something is fishy about this situation."

Jon "I'm out of here, I'm not gonna stand here and take it."

Tori "You better make sure before you lose the only good thing thats ever happened to your shitty life."

Jon continued walking away."


Tori to Joe "Dude I'm telling you the kid is not Jon's."

Joe "Well he seems pretty sure about it."

Tori "He looks nothing like Jon. But he does look familiar, like I've seen his face before."

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