Chapter 29

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Tori was still secretly seeing Nick despite the fact that she promised Kaylee she wouldnt. Joe was out with wwe diva Gabi when he saw Nick and Tori kissing. Joe immediately told Jon what Tori was doing. What Jon didnt know was Nick had been telling Tori about all the things Jon use to do and the type of person he was.

Jon trying to catch up with Tori "Hey Tori wait up."

Tori "whats up."

Jon "I want to ask you a question and I need you to be honest with me."

Tori looking confused "okay?"

Jon "are you still seeing Nick?"

Tori "why?"

Jon "Yes or No?"

Tori "I told Kaylee I wasn't going to see him anymore."

Jon "Thats not what I asked you."

Tori "Whats it to you?"

Jon "Whats it to me? I'm trying to look out for you because Kay really loves you. Are you still seeing Nick?!"

Tori "The answer is no, no I'm not seeing Nick anymore."

Jon "So then Joe is lying?"

Tori "lying about what?"

Jon "He said he saw you and Nick making out at a gift shop yesterday. So is he lying?"

Tori didnt know what to say. She valued Joe's friendship and didnt want to say anything bad about him

Tori "You know what Jon, I don't owe you an explanation or anything for that matter."

Jon "Look Tori, I'm not the bad guy here. I just want to know the truth. Nick is not the kind of guy you date. Trust me I know because I use to be that guy."

Tori laughing "You know what? Lets be honest Mr. Moxley, did you cheat on my cousin when you two first started dating? huh?"

Jon didnt have an answer, he just stood there quietly.

Tori "Did you think I wouldn't find out? Did you think I wouldn't find out about Bitches love Moxley or that you're known as the titty master?"

Jon was lost for words. Almost everything she mentioned was true and he was ashamed.

Jon "Did Nick tell you that?"

Tori "Does it matter? Its all over the internet. Maybe I should be telling Kaylee to stay away from you! Judging by what I've seen and read, you're no better than Nick. Does Kaylee know about your checkered past? Seeing how abusive you were to girls, do you think I should let you anywhere near my cousin? Why don't you try minding your own business Jon. I've tried to be polite because my cousin really loves you and I thought you were a good guy. Now I'm not so sure."

Jon looking like he was going to cry "I would never hurt Kaylee. I love her! She is the reason I am the person I am today!"

Tori getting closer to Jon "You can put on this nice guy act but you will always be a cheater, you will always be a womanizer, you will always be this abusive asshole in my eyes."

Jon angry at what Tori told him just walked away.


Kaylee was trying to get in touch with Jon. She was worried because they were suppose to meet up for lunch. Jon still pissed off about his conversation with Tori decided to go for a run to calm himself down. While running he was starting to doubt himself, if he was good enough for Kaylee. He loved her so much but was he worthy of her love? Kaylee was the most kind and beautiful girl he had ever met. He felt that she is a far better person than he can ever be. That same insecurity he had when he first starting dating Kaylee was starting to creep up on him again because of Tori's words.

Kaylee outside the hotel "There you are! I've been calling you."

Jon "Sorry, I went for a run."

Kaylee "Is something wrong?"

Jon "No, why?"

Kaylee "Because you usually dont run at this time unless something is bothering you."

Jon "Just wanted to get some cardio in, thats all."

Kaylee "If you need to talk you know you can tell me anything right?"

Jon kissing Kaylee "I know. Thats why I love you. I'm gonna shower and then we can go eat."



Joe concerned about Jon "How you feeling?"

Jon "Like shit!"

Joe "I'm sorry bro."

Jon "Its okay. Its my fault, I use to be the biggest d bag on the planet."

Joe "Yeah but that doesn't mean she had to be a jerk to you."

Jon "It is what it is."

Joe "No man. Yeah you were a douche bag before but you've changed."

Jon "Maybe Nick has changed too."

Joe "I highly doubt it."

Jon just shrugged his shoulders

Jon "Do you think Kay is making a mistake being with me?"

Joe "Hell no! You two are meant for each other. I dont give a fuck what Victoria, Nick or anyone says. You're a great guy! If you weren't Kaylee wouldn't be with you. Stop being so hard on yourself."

Joe can tell what Tori said to Jon really hurt him. He tried to lighten up the mood

Joe "So I fucked up last night."

Jon stopped, put his weights down and said "Why? what happened?"

Joe "Well after I left Victoria's room, I called Gabi and asked if she wanted company."

Jon "You didnt?"

Joe "Yeah bro, we hooked up."

Jon laughing "Dude you're screwed! she is not going to leave you alone. She's probably planning your wedding right now."

Joe laughing "For real man!"

Jon "Why did you do it?"

Joe "Because I was so pissed off. I felt I needed to release some stress. Not to mention its been months since I've gotten laid. I am a man and I have needs."

Jon "Tell me about it. My right hand can only do so much for me."

Joe "You have yourself to blame for that. Weren't you the one that told her you wanted to wait?"

Jon "Yeah, I'm kind of regretting it now."

Both start laughing

Joe " I really hope she doesn't think this means we're dating."

Jon "Oh she absolutely thinks that means you're dating."

Joe "Fuck! Thats what I was afraid of."

They start laughing again

Jon "Thanks man."

Joe "Anything for my brother."

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