Chapter 24

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Kaylee was in the hotel restaurant eating breakfast by herself when Jon joined her

Kaylee "How are you feeling?"

Jon "I'm okay I guess."

Kaylee "You know you have a lot of love and support right?"

Jon "Do I?"

Kaylee "Yes! Of course. Joe loves you like a brother, he'd do anything for you. Don't give up on love. Love can come in many different forms."

Jon "I really dont want to be around anyone except for Joe......and you."

Kaylee drawing on a napkin and smiling

Jon "What are you drawing?"

Kaylee handed Jon the napkin. The napkin had hearts and flowers it said

 "Love ; it will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free. Be more like the man you were made to be." 

                                                                  Mumford and Sons "Sign No More."

Kaylee "I know it doesnt feel like it now, but it will get better. The pain you feel now will be in the past. Just hang tight."

Joe and Gina came up to the table

Gina "You ready Kay?"

Kaylee "Yup."

Jon "Where are you girls going?"

Kaylee "We're gonna do a little shopping before we leave."

Jon hugged Kaylee and thanked her. He noticed something missing from her neck.

Jon "Hey, where's your necklace?"

Kaylee feeling around her neck "I must have left it in the room."

Jon "Do you want me to go get it for you?"

Joe looked at Kaylee hoping she would tell Jon the truth

Kaylee "It's okay, I'll get it later."



Kaylee was starting to wonder if being with Colby was the right thing for her. Once again she was with someone she wasn't in love it.

Jon "Kay, can I talk to you for a minute."

Kaylee "What's up?"

Jon "I think I'm ready to move on from you."

Kaylee disappointed "Oh."

Jon "You dont have feelings for me anymore, maybe its time I stop having feelings for you."

Kaylee touching her neck "I think thats great Jon. Do whatever makes you happy."

Jon "Where's your necklace?"

Kaylee "Ummmm"

Jon "I haven't seen it on you for almost a week now."

Kaylee "I lost it."

Jon "How?"

Joe "Hey guys, whats going on?"

Jon "Can you believe she lost her necklace."

Joe "No, I can't."

Jon "Are you sure you didnt forget it at the hotel or something? I mean you're so careful with it."

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