Chapter 26

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Kaylee and Jon happened to be spending their 1 year anniversary on group trip to Mexico. A few of the wwe superstars and their significant others decided to rent a mansion on the trip that way they can all be together. Kaylee was in the kitchen getting some food when Nick approached her

Nick "Hey"

Kaylee "Hey"

Nick "I know you weren't thrilled about me coming but........"

Kaylee "Nick, its okay."

Nick "I am sorry you know? The way that things happened."

Kaylee "I dont really want to talk about it. I know you're sorry, and I'm trying my best with you Nick. Something like that takes time to heal. I dont want to tell you I forgive now, because I'm not ready to. I hope you understand."

Nick "I do."

Kaylee smiled at Nick as she left the kitchen


Kaylee and Jon were making out in their room. It seemed like every time things were getting exciting Jon pulled away. Kaylee was starting to wonder if maybe Jon wasn't as attracted to her as he was with his other girlfriends.


Kaylee sat across from Jon at the table. She kept sliding her foot up his leg to his crotch. Jon was uncomfortable sitting there with Kaylee's foot gently rubbing his penis. He kept squirming in his seat, trying to signal kaylee with his eyes to stop.

On the ride back to the mansion after dinner Kaylee insisted she and Jon sit in the back of the limo bus they were in. Jon can smell alcohol on Kaylee's breath as she softly bit his ear

Jon "Are you drunk?"

Kaylee laughing "No......I dont know, I've never been drunk."

Jon "I didnt see you with any drinks."

Kaylee "They Bellas gave me a few shots when we went to the restroom."

Kaylee starting rubbing Jon's inner thigh while kissing his neck. She moved her hand to his penis. Jon moved her hands away

Jon "Kaylee!"

Kaylee "What?"

Kaylee moved her head down to his pants and tried to unzip his pants.

Jon lifting up Kaylee's head "What is wrong with you?"

Kaylee "I'm just trying to have fun,"

Jon "Well stop it."

When they got back to the mansion Kaylee and Jon went straight to their room. Kaylee began kissing Jon and Jon kissed her back. She took of his shirt and started kissing his chest, abs, then started unbuttoning his pants. Jon wanted her to keep going but knew it wasn't right.

Jon "Kaylee, stop, we can't do this?"

Kaylee getting up "Why?"

Jon "Well number one, you're drunk."

Kaylee "I'm not that drunk, I know what I'm doing."

Jon "This isn't what you want."

Kaylee walking her fingers up Jon's chest "I'm pretty sure this is what I want."

Jon holding her hands "No, its not."

Kaylee "Yes it is!"

Jon "Fine, then its not what I want."

Kaylee "I knew it!"

Jon "Knew what?"

Kaylee getting angry "You dont find me attractive!"

Jon "Are you crazy?"

Kaylee "Admit it! You dont find me as attractive as Renee or all those other petite girls you've slept with!"

Jon "Don't be ridiculous."

Kaylee "Really? That's why every time we get hot and heavy you pull away!"

Jon "That's not why I do it."

Kaylee "Then what is it?" She began to cry "I feel like you just see me as your friend. Like the ugly girl won't hurt me so I'll date her. As if I was the safe choice."

Jon wiping Kaylee's tears "Are you kidding me? You're the most beautiful and not to mention sexiest girl I have ever met! Everything about you is attractive!"

Kaylee continuing to cry "Why won't you have sex with me?"

Jon laughing

Kaylee crying "Why are you laughing?  You're such an asshole."

Jon "Sorry, it was really cute the way you said that."

Kaylee "Jerk"

Jon "The truth is I push you away because I dont trust myself. Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to keep my hands off of you? I want you so bad!"

Kaylee "Lets do it then."

Jon "I love you and respect you way too much to not give you what you truly want."

Kaylee "You love me?"

Kaylee was surprised because they have never said that to each other before.

Jon "Yes! And not like a friend either. I love you, I'm in love with you! What makes it easier for me to be okay with not having sex with you is because of what you said that night we went to dinner in dallas."

Kaylee "Which is?"

Jon "You were waiting until marriage. Even though I didnt say it out loud, that doesnt mean that I wasn't thinking how amazing it sounds. To first get to know the person then on your wedding night to explore each other. I want that, and I want that with you."

Kaylee "You want to marry me?"

Jon smiling "I do!"

Kaylee smilling "Yeah?"

Jon "Of course! Its going to be in the future but sooner than you think. We still have a lot of getting to know each other to do."

Kaylee "I like that."

Jon "So if you dont mind, can you please stop touching me because I dont know how much more I can take of it without ripping off your clothes."

Kaylee "I'll stop."

Jon kissing Kaylee on the forehead "Thank you."

Kaylee "Jon."

Jon "Yes?"

Kaylee "I love you too."

Jon smiled as the girl of his dream told him she loves him.

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