Chapter 37

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Joe "Are you going to call Shelli?

Jon "Yeah. I'm gonna ask her if she can hold onto the ring until I know when I'm going to propose."

Joe "Kay's family doesn't know right?"

Jon "Right. I'm glad because that way I won't have all of them trying to kill me for not proposing to her."

Joe "Do her parents know about Jon?"

Jon "No......I told her I'll tell them. Thats the decent thing to do."

Joe "Good luck bro. I'll see you later, I'm meeting Tori for breakfast."

Jon "Whats the deal with you two anyway? Are gonna ask her out or what?"

Joe "Thinking about it. I just need to make sure her heart is in it before I take that leap. I can't put myself out there like that again."

Jon "Enjoy your breakfast."

Joe "Let me know if you need anything."


Jon called Shelli "Good morning Shelli how are you?"

Shelli "I'm great, the ring is looking incredible. Should be ready by the time you want to pop the question."

Jon "Thats why I'm calling you Shell, I dont think I'll be proposing anytime soon."

Shelli "What? Oh no, is everything okay?"

Jon "Yeah, just dealing with some stuff."

Shelli "I'm so sorry to hear that Jon. I can tell how much you love her and how much you wanted to marry her."

Jon "I still do."

Shelli "You can still do it. It'a not like you'd be getting married tomorrow."

Jon "I know, I'm sorry but there's just a lot going on. I dont think this is the time."

Shelli "Can we still meet up? So I can show you the ring at least?"

Jon "Yeah we can still meet up......I just need to lay low for now until I figure things out with Kaylee."

Jon didnt know Tori was hiding behind a soda machine at the moment

Tori to herself "Who the hell is he talking to? Is he cheating on Kay?"

Jon on the phone "I dont think she had a clue and I want to keep it that way......I gotta go, she's calling me right now. I'll call you later Shelli.......bye."

Tori to herself "Shelli?" She got up and quickly left before Jon saw her.


Jon met with Kaylee in her room

Kaylee "My mom called, she said she was excited to see you. I had to change the subject because I didnt know what to tell her."

Jon "I want to be the one to tell them, thats not your responsibility."

Kaylee "I'm going to be honest Jon, I dont know how they are going to react."

Jon "I know and I will deal with the consequences to that."

Kaylee "What are your plans for today?"

Jon "I'm gonna spend time alone with Jon, I'd really like for you to join us and officially meet him."

Kaylee "I'll think about it if thats okay with you."

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