Chapter 15

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Kaylee and Nick went on a couple of date. Nick was starting to fall for Kaylee. Although she found nick very attractive, she did not like him in that way. She was starting to question why she continued to see him.

Nick "I just got a call that I'll be gone for two weeks to do reshoots for the movie."

Kaylee "I'm gonna miss ya."

Nick "Do you think when I get back we can finally become public?"

Kaylee "I dont know, dont you think its too soon?"

Nick "We've been going out for months."

Kaylee "I haven't even been on the road for a year."

Nick "Just think about it please."

Kaylee "We'll talk about it when you get back."



Nick left for reshoot, Kaylee felt this was the perfect time for her to sit back and really analyze her relationship with Nick.

Jon to Kaylee "Shit!"

Kaylee "What happened?"

Jon "I forgot Joe is heading home tomorrow for a few days and now I have nowhere to stay this week."

Kaylee "None of the guys have space?"

Jon "I dont want to sleep on the floor or couch."

Kaylee "You can stay with me if you want? Ive been solo this entire time."

Jon "I dont want to make you feel uncomfortable."

Kaylee "It's not like we'd be sleeping in the same bed."

Jon "Are you sure its okay?"

Kaylee "Jon, its fine."

Jon hugging Kaylee "Thanks! You're a life saver!"



Kaylee "Turns out all their double bed rooms are booked, looks like we're sharing a bed."

Jon "I can sleep on the floor, its not a problem."

Kaylee "Its a king size bed, its big enough for the two of us. We can just put up a pillow barrier. Its not a big deal."

Jon "Whatever you feel comfortable with."

Kaylee and Jon went to their room to settle in.

Kaylee "Heads up, I have to watch two episodes of FRIENDS before I got to bed."

Jon "Are you serious?"

Kaylee "Dead serious. I've literally watched it every single night for the past 5 years. I can't sleep without watching it."

Jon "You are so weird."

Kaylee with a straight face "I know, that exactly what my therapist and parole officer said."

Jon looked at Kaylee and laughed. Kaylee just stared at Jon as he tried to figure out if she was joking or not. That lasted for about 3 minutes. Jon coughed because he didnt know what to do.

Kaylee laughing "I'm totally messing with you.....well about the therapist part."

Jon faked laughed because he was still unsure if she was messing with him.

Kaylee "Really Jon? The fact that you can't tell that I was just busting your balls offends me."

Jon "You were so convincing."

Kaylee "Sorry I couldn't resist. But for real I do watch it before I go to bed. Its an OCD thing. Probably why I dont have a roommate."

Jon and Kaylee were both in bed. She finished watching FRIENDS and was ready to sleep.

The lights were out, Kaylee and Jon were next to each other in bed.

Jon "Are you awake?"

Kaylee "No I'm sleeping. What's up?"

Jon "Nothing"

Kaylee "You asked if I was awake for nothing?"

Jon "No...... I dont know."

Kaylee "What's on you mind?"

Jon "A lot of stuff."

Kaylee "Do you want to talk about it?"

Jon "I dont know."

Kaylee "How about I bore you to sleep with my plans for when we get to California."

Jon "I would love that."

Kaylee and Jon stayed up all night talking. They removed the pillow barrier so that can talk to each other face to face.

Kaylee "I want to tell you something but you have to promise not to freak out or think I'm weird."

Jon "Okay"

Kaylee "Promise?"

Jon "Promise."

Kaylee "I'm really digging your shaggy hair right now."

Jon with a smile "Yeah?"

Kaylee "You look really cute."

Jon smiling "Thank you."

Kaylee "I want to run my fingers through it. Can I?"

Jon smiling "Go for it."

Kaylee moved closer and ran her fingers through his hair. Jon stared at Kaylee, he wanted to kiss her so bad.

Kaylee "Thank you...........We've been up all night. We should probably get some sleep since we have to up in a couple of hours."

Jon "Goodnight Kaylee"

Kaylee "Goodnight Jon."


Kaylee and Jon were driving to the next city. They were both starting to have strong feelings towards each other, They talked about anything and everything.

Jon "What am I going to do without you on the road with us for a week and a half."

Kaylee "I'm sure you guys will enjoy your time away from me."

Jon "Are you ready to head back home?"

Kaylee "Yes and no. No because Ive been having a blast on the road especially with all of you guys. Yes because I'm so tired. I haven't had a chance to go home since I hit the road."

Jon "It's important you take care of yourself."

Kaylee "I've been so stressed about making sure everything is ready for the european tour and fixing the new road to summer slam schedule."

Jon "You work really hard, you deserve a break."

Kaylee "I'm most excited about heading back to California. I miss home!"

At that moment "California Love" by Tupac and Dr.Dre came on the radio. Kaylee turned the volume up and started rapping along to the song.

Jon"Damn! You're a rapper too?"

Kaylee singing and dancing to the song "Shake it shake it baby. Shake it shake it."

Kaylee shaking Jon "Come on Jon shake it!"

Jon did a little dance in his seat as he drove.

Kaylee "That was so freaking cute!"

Jon "You like that?"

Kaylee "I do."

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