Chapter 5

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Kaylee and Nick would text each other maybe once a week. Their conversations were very casual, nothing too exciting going on with either of them.

Kaylee did start to make some friends at work. Besides Joe, she was pretty close to Matt (Zack Ryder) and Nattie. Kaylee and Matt bonded over their love for all things 90's especially boy bands. Their favorite thing to do was annoy Joe with their music.

Jon was returning to Raw. Although he had to wait another week until he can actually wrestle, he had to make his presence known so people wouldn't forget him.

Seth Rollins was wrestling Randy Orton when Jon came out and hit Seth in the back with a chair several times.



Colby (Seth) was angry "What the fuck Jon?  You could have at least given me a heads up, that would be the right thing to!"

Jon "Right, the same way you gave us the heads up when you left?"

Colby "When are you going to get over that? Its been a year already. Thats how this business works, we move on to better things!"

Jon "And I'm okay with that but we were like brothers, you betrayed your brothers."

Colby "And as my brother, you should be happy for me and understanding like Joe! Not to mention we both know that if you were in my position you would done it in a heartbeat!"

Jon "I would be happy for you if you didnt go behind our back! You went about it all the wrong way. I can never forgive that!"

Colby walking away "Fuck you Jon"

Jon going after Colby "What did you say?"

Joe broke up the two before anything could happen

Joe "You guys needs to stop this shit before Vince finds out and you both dont have a job."

Colby "Tell your brother to get over it and move on."

Jon yelling at Colby as he walked away "Thats right Colby, walk away, thats what you're good at."

Joe to Jon "Bro, you gotta let that shit go man"

Jon "Sorry Joe, I'm not like you, I can't just let shit go. I trusted him, he was my brother and he betrayed not only me but you. Doesn't that bother you?"

Joe "It is what is."

Jon "Well that doesn't sit well with me."

Joe "Come on, lets get out of here."


Kaylee was packing up her stuff when she saw Colby getting checked out by the trainer. She can tell he was pissed. When he walked out she approached him

Kaylee "Are you okay?"

Colby "Yeah, just dealing with that asshole Jon."

Kaylee "Oh I saw, he hit you pretty hard."

Colby "It's not even that, its his attitude. He can't get over me leaving the shield. We're in a business that is constantly switching storylines, doing things we sometimes dont want to do."

Kaylee "You didnt want to leave the shield?"

Colby "I mean I wanted to make a name for myself. Jon was the star of that group, I had to do what was best for my career. I didnt mean to hurt him."

Kaylee "Just give him some time, I'm sure he'll get over it soon."

Colby sighing "It's been a year, I dont know how much more time he needs."

Kaylee "Well..........see you around."

Colby "Hey whats your name anyway? I've seen you hanging out with Joe and Matt but haven't had the chance to introduce myself."

Kaylee "I'm Kaylee, I'm Steph's assistant."

Colby "I'm Colby. Thanks for talking to me."

Kaylee smiling "No worries, have a good night."

Colby "you too."


Joe and Jon were leaving smackdown in Austin Texas. The guys had a 6 hour drive to oklahoma city.

Joe "Damn bro, I think I'm getting sick. My throat is starting to hurt."

Jon "Why dont we stay in Dallas tonight and leave in the morning to OKC?"

Joe "That's probably a good idea, let me text Kaylee. She's actually in Dallas right now, she was helping Steph with some stuff there. And I think she was going to rent a car tomorrow to drive to okc. We can give her a ride so she won't go alone."

Jon "Don't say anything but Renee has been going to a few interviews slash auditions in Dallas."

Joe "Really?"

Jon "Yeah, if she gets the job, I might move out there."

Joe "So things are getting serious between you two huh?"

Jon "I guess, I mean I love her, but I'm not ready for marriage. I dont know if I ever want to get married period."

Joe "Being married is the greatest thing in the world, I highly recommend it."

Jon "Yeah for guys like you."

Joe "When you find that right girl, you can't imagine living your life without her."

Jon "I think I found the right girl. I dont want to be without Renee."

Joe "Then why won't you marry her?"

Jon "Its so permeant,  Its scary."

Joe "Because you just want to bang as many girls as possible, dont you?"

Jon "Dude, I'm a one woman kind of man now."

Joe laughing "Now?"

Jon "Yes now. I know cheating on Renee was shitty but I didnt do it because I didnt love her, I just........"

Joe "Wanted some ass?"

Jon "Pretty much"

Joe "Well when you find that right girl, none of that matter. All you want to do is be with her and only her."

Jon "Are you saying Renee is not the right girl for me?"

Joe "All I'm saying is when you are truly in love with someone, you want to be with that person. Yeah sometimes temptation comes knocking on your door but that love you have for your girl is greater than the temptation."

Jon "Maybe I'm just slow to the game. The 2 months that I've been out, all Ive wanted to do is be around her."

Joe "Thats a good sign. Where is she anyway?"

Jon "Back in New York, she had a few days off. She was going to spend sometime with her mom. She'll be back for raw. When I see her, I guess we'll talk about where we are and where we want to go."

Joe "I'm glad you're now focused on her and not anyone else."

Jon to himself "Yeah."

Joe "Looks like Kaylee is still up, should we pick her up to grab some food together?"

Jon "Yeah we can do that."

The two friends checked into a hotel in Dallas. They were going to pick up Kaylee from her hotel so they can get a late dinner.

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